

词组 remains
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ADJECTIVE | VERB + REMAINS | REMAINS + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEabundant, considerable, extensive, substantial 大量的残余;相当多的残余物abundant remains of marine algae大量的海藻残余the extensive remains of an Aztec pyramid阿兹特克金字塔的大面积遗址impressive 给人深刻印象的遗迹fragmentary 不完整的残余visible 可见的残余existing, surviving 现存的/保存下来的遗迹ancient, prehistoric 古代/史前遗迹Greek, Roman, etc. 希腊、罗马等遗迹battered, mangled, shattered, tattered 毁坏的残骸;损毁的残留物the mangled remains of the bomber's van炸弹袭击者的小货车的残骸burned, burned-out, charred, cremated, smouldering/smoldering 焚毁的遗址;烧焦了的残余;闷燃的废墟physical 有形遗物earthly, human, mortal 尸体;人的遗体This tomb holds the mortal remains of a great pharaoh.这座墓里埋葬着一位伟大法老的遗骸。animal, archaeological, fossil, fossilized, organic, plant, skeletal 动物遗体;考古遗址;化石遗迹;石化的遗物;有机物残骸;植物残骸;骨骼残骸VERB + REMAINSdiscover, find, locate, reveal, uncover, unearth 发现遗迹;找到遗留物;挖掘出遗骸While excavating the site, workers unearthed the remains of several dinosaurs.在挖土施工时,工人们挖掘出了几具恐龙遗骸。identify 识别遗体The remains have been identified as those of Carl Rider.遗体被认定是卡尔・赖德的。excavate, exhume, recover, remove 挖掘遗址;掘出遗体;找回遗体;移走遗体They are excavating the remains of an Iron Age settlement.他们正在挖掘一个铁器时代聚居地的遗址。Marie Curie's remains were exhumed and interred in the Pantheon.玛丽・居里的遗体被移出,归葬先贤祠。examine, study 检查遗体;研究遗迹bury, inter (formal) 埋葬/掩埋遗体preserve 保存遗体dump, scatter, throw 丢弃遗体;撒残余物burn 焚烧遗体feed on 以尸体为食Gulls often feed on the remains of seal kills.海鸥经常吃剩下的海豹尸体。REMAINS + VERBsurvive 遗迹留存下来Considerable remains survive of the great city walls.城墙有很大一部分保存了下来。lie 遗体被埋葬Her remains lie in an unmarked grave.她长眠于一块没有标记的墓地。date from... 遗迹追溯到⋯The burned-out remains date from the 19th century.焚毁的遗迹是 19 世纪的。PREPOSITIONamong the remains, in the remains 在残余物中The body was found among the remains of a burned-out house.尸体是在一所焚毁房子的废墟中发现的。




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