

词组 agreement
释义 agreement


1contract/decision 合同;决定ADJECTIVE | VERB + AGREEMENT | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEdraft 协议草案The draft agreement will be available before the meeting.协议草案将在会议前准备好。formal, signed, written 正式/已签署的/书面协议binding, legal 有约束力的/法定的协议The agreement will be legally binding.这个协议将具有法律效力。tentative 初步协议informal, verbal 非正式/口头协议tacit, unspoken 默契;心照不宣的协议voluntary 自愿达成的协议definitive 不可更改的协议bilateral, international, multilateral 双边/国际/多边协议ceasefire, peace 停火协定;和平协议trade 贸易协定contractual, licensing 契约性/授权许可协议prenuptial 婚前协议The Hollywood stars signed a prenuptial agreement before marrying last year.这两位好莱坞明星去年结婚前签订了一项婚前协议。confidentiality 保密协议credit, hire-purchase (BrE) , lease, rental 信贷/分期付款/房屋租赁/租赁协议VERB + AGREEMENTnegotiate, work out 商议/拟定协议They are working out a formal ceasefire agreement.他们正在商定正式停火协议。conclude, enter into, reach, sign 达成协议;签订协议After hours of talks the government and the union have reached an agreement.经过数小时的谈判,政府与工会达成了协议。have 有协定We have an agreement to always tell each other the truth about everything.我们约定无论何事彼此都要讲实话。be bound by 受协议的约束We signed the agreement so we are now bound by it.我们签订了协议,现在就要受协议的约束。adhere to, honour/honor, keep to, stick to 遵守/履行/信守/坚守协议You have not kept to our agreement.你没有信守我们的协定。break, go back on, renege on, violate 毁约;违背协议;违反协议Some employers reneged on agreements once the recession set in.经济衰退一开始,有些雇主就违约了。PREPOSITIONin an/the agreement 在协议中a clause in the agreement协议中的一个条款under an/the agreement 按照协议的规定Under the agreement, the farmer is not allowed to use this field.根据协议,农民不允许使用这块土地。agreement between ⋯之间的协议an agreement between the company and the unions公司和各工会达成的协议agreement on 关于⋯的协议They signed two agreements on improving economic cooperation.他们签订了两份改善经济合作的协议。agreement with 与⋯的协议a trade agreement with China与中国签订的贸易协议PHRASESbreach of agreement (especially BrE) 违约He sued the company for breach of agreement.他起诉公司违约。the terms of the agreement 协议的条款The terms of the agreement do not allow such exports.协议的条款规定不允许出口这些物品。 topic at meeting




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