

词组 reflection
释义 reflection


4careful thought about sth 仔细考虑ADJECTIVE | VERB + REFLECTION | REFLECTION + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcareful, deep, mature, profound, serious, sober 缜密的思考;深思;熟虑;深入的思考;认真的思考further 进一步反思quiet 静思personal 自我反省thoughtful 沉思Such decisions may be made after thoughtful reflection.这种决定可能会在深思后作出。critical, ethical, moral, philosophical, spiritual, theological, theoretical 批判性的思考;伦理思考;道德思考;哲学思考;精神反思;神学思考;理论思考VERB + REFLECTIONencourage, invite, prompt, stimulate 鼓励反思;引起反思;激起反思Teachers should encourage reflection on the part of their students.教师应该鼓励学生进行反思。REFLECTION + VERBshow sb/sth 思考显示⋯A moment's reflection will show you that that can't be true.稍加思考,你就会发现这不可能是真的。PREPOSITIONafter reflection, on reflection, upon reflection 考虑后On further reflection, I'm not so sure it's a good idea.再仔细一想,我真不敢肯定这是个好主意了。reflection about, reflection on, reflection upon 关于⋯的思考The party needs a period of sober reflection about what went wrong.该党需要一段时间来认真反省,看看到底什么地方出了问题。PHRASESa moment of reflection, a moment's reflection 稍加考虑a period of reflection 思考期a period for reflection, time for reflection 反思阶段;思考时间




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