

词组 intimidation
释义 intimidation


ADJECTIVE | VERB + INTIMIDATION | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEphysical, psychological, verbal 人身胁迫;心理威胁;言语恐吓voter 对选民的胁迫There were signs of voting fraud and voter intimidation.有投票舞弊和胁迫选民的迹象。VERB + INTIMIDATIONbe subject(ed) to (especially BrE) , face, suffer (BrE) 遭受恐吓;面对恐吓Workers were subjected to intimidation as they crossed the picket line.工人们在穿过纠察线时遭到了恐吓。PREPOSITIONintimidation against 对⋯的恐吓intimidation against trade unions对工会的恐吓intimidation by ⋯的恐吓Workers continue to enter the plant despite intimidation by mass pickets.工人们不顾大批纠察的恐吓,继续进入工厂。intimidation from 来自⋯的威胁fear of intimidation from paramilitary organizations对来自准军事组织的恐吓的畏惧PHRASESan act of intimidation 恐吓行为a campaign of intimidation 恐吓活动




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