

词组 golf
释义 golf


ADJECTIVE | ... OF GOLF | VERB + GOLF | GOLF + NOUN ADJECTIVEamateur, championship, pro (informal, especially NAmE) , professional 业余/锦标赛/职业高尔夫球运动Amateur golf is very competitive.业余高尔夫球赛竞争相当激烈。crazy, mini (usually minigolf) , miniature (NAmE) 迷你高尔夫The hotel offers miniature golf and other activities for children.宾馆为孩子们提供迷你高尔夫等活动。... OF GOLFgame, round 一场/一轮高尔夫球赛VERB + GOLFplay 打高尔夫球take up 开始学习高尔夫watch 观看高尔夫球赛GOLF + NOUNcourse, links 高尔夫球场;海滨高尔夫球场hole 高尔夫球洞The eighth at Banff is one of the world's great golf holes.班夫的第八球洞是世界上最棒的高尔夫球洞之一。club 高尔夫球俱乐部She decided to join a golf club.她决定加入高尔夫球俱乐部。bag, ball, buggy, cart, club, equipment, glove, shoes, tee, umbrella 高尔夫球袋;高尔夫球;高尔夫球车;高尔夫球具车;高尔夫球杆;高尔夫球装备;高尔夫球手套;高尔夫球鞋;高尔夫球球座;高尔夫球场遮阳伞You can borrow golf clubs if you want a game.如果你想打高尔夫球,可以借用球杆。swing 高尔夫球挥杆技术His coach says his golf swing needs improving.他的教练说他的挥杆技术还需要提高。championship, game, match, tournament 高尔夫球锦标赛;高尔夫球赛title 高尔夫球冠军头衔handicap 高尔夫球差点She has a golf handicap of 18.她的差点是 18。professional, star 高尔夫球职业球手;高尔夫球明星fan 高尔夫球迷season 高尔夫球赛季circuit, scene, tour 高尔夫球巡回赛;高尔夫球球坛clinic, lesson 高尔夫球讲习班/训练课The club is holding a golf clinic next week, where golfers can get advice from the pros.俱乐部下周开办高尔夫球讲习班,高尔夫球员可向职业球员请教。correspondent, journalist, reporter, writer 高尔夫球记者;高尔夫球运动撰稿人magazine 高尔夫球杂志holiday (BrE) , package, trip (especially NAmE) , vacation (NAmE) 高尔夫球假期;高尔夫球包价旅游;高尔夫球旅行Choose from over 100 golf packages in our brochure.请从我们手册中的 100 多个高尔夫球假日旅游套餐中选择。widow 高尔夫球寡妇(因丈夫迷恋高尔夫而受到冷落的妻子)She's been a golf widow since she gave her husband his first set of clubs.自从她送给丈夫第一套高尔夫球杆起,她就守起了活寡。 topic at sports




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