

词组 intact
释义 intact


VERBS | ADVERB VERBSappear, be 显得完好无损;完整无缺remain, stay, survive 依然完好无损;保持完好;完好无损地幸存下来The building survived almost intact.这座建筑几乎完好无损地度过了劫难。emerge, return 完好无损地出现/返回The team returns largely intact to defend its title. (especially NAmE) 这支队伍基本上是原班人马参加冠军卫冕之战。find sth 发觉⋯完好无损We found the tomb perfectly intact.我们发现这座陵墓完好无损。keep sth, maintain sth, preserve sth 保持⋯完整;维护⋯完好The collection should be kept completely intact.收藏品应当保持完整无缺。leave sth ⋯完好地保留下来a group of old army buildings that had been left largely intact大体上完好保留下来的旧军事建筑群ADVERBremarkably, substantially, very much 不同寻常地完好;极为完整;非常完整The character of the original house is very much intact.老房子原来的特色几乎原封不动地保留下来了。completely, entirely, fully, perfectly 完整无缺;原封不动;丝毫没有改变almost, nearly, virtually 几乎完好无损basically, essentially, largely, more or less, mostly 基本上完好;大体上完好;差不多完整fairly, reasonably, relatively 相当完整;还算完整;相对完好apparently 表面上完好still 仍然完好The mill machinery is still intact.磨坊里的机器依然完好无损。miraculously 奇迹般完好无损




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