

词组 instruction
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1instructions information on how to do sth 用法说明ADJECTIVE | ... OF INSTRUCTIONS | VERB + INSTRUCTIONS | INSTRUCTIONS + VERB | INSTRUCTION + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEcomprehensive, full 详尽的/全面的说明adequate 充分的说明clear, explicit 清楚的/明晰的说明detailed, precise, specific, step-by-step 详细的说明;准确的说明;具体的说明;逐步的操作指南complex 复杂的用法说明basic, simple 基本的/简单的说明general 概括的说明special 特别的说明careful 仔细的说明verbal, written 口头/书面说明packet (BrE) 包装上的说明technical 技术说明safety 安全操作指南cooking, operating, washing 烹饪说明;操作指南;洗涤说明installation 安装指南manufacturer's 制造商提供的使用说明... OF INSTRUCTIONSlist, series, set 一系列的操作指南;一套用法说明VERB + INSTRUCTIONSread 阅读使用说明You should always read the instructions on medicines thoroughly.药品上的说明你都应该全部阅读一遍。understand 理解说明follow 遵照操作指南Just follow our simple step-by-step instructions.只需按照我们所给的简单说明一步一步去做即可。give (sb), include, leave (sb) 给(某人)指示;包含指令;(给某人)留下指示He gave her detailed instructions on the procedure to be followed.他把要进行的步骤向她做了详细的说明。Step-by-step instructions are included.其中包含了按步进行的操作说明。repeat 重复说明come with 带有说明Did it come with any instructions about assembling it?这个有装配说明吗?INSTRUCTIONS + VERBtell sb sth 说明告诉某人⋯There are instructions that tell you where everything goes.有说明书告诉你每样物件该安装在什么地方。INSTRUCTION + NOUNbook, booklet, leaflet (especially BrE) , manual, sheet (especially NAmE) 说明书;说明手册;散页的说明书;操作手册;说明页I had to refer to the instruction booklet.我得查查说明手册。PREPOSITIONaccording to the instruction 根据说明书Microwave ovens should be serviced according to the manufacturer's instructions.微波炉应该根据厂家的说明书进行维护。in accordance with the instruction, in the instruction 依照说明书;在说明书中It tells you in the instructions not to let the machine get too hot.说明书上说不要让机器过热。instruction about, instruction as to 关于⋯的说明The organizer will give instructions as to what to do.组织者会说明如何进行。instruction for ⋯方面的说明follow the manufacturer's instructions for use遵从制造商提供的使用说明instruction on 有关⋯的说明instructions on how to use the photocopier复印机使用说明




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