

词组 celebration
释义 celebration


ADJECTIVE | VERB + CELEBRATION | CELEBRATION + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig, great, noisy 大型/盛大的/喧闹的庆祝活动little, quiet, small 小型庆祝活动;低调的庆祝family 家庭庆祝活动joyous 欢乐的庆祝活动a joyous celebration of life对生命的欢快礼赞double 双重庆祝活动a double birthday celebration双人生日庆祝活动special 特别的庆祝活动national, official, public, street (especially BrE) 国家庆典;官方庆典;公众庆祝活动;街头庆祝活动Poor weather prevented the official celebrations from taking place.恶劣的天气使得官方庆典未能举行。anniversary, birthday, centenary (BrE) , centennial (especially NAmE) , festive, holiday (NAmE) , victory, wedding (usually with celebrations 通常用 celebrations) 周年庆祝活动;生日庆祝活动;百年庆典;节日庆祝活动;假日庆祝活动;庆祝胜利的活动;婚礼庆典50th anniversary celebrations50 周年庆典Christmas, Fourth of July, Independence Day, New Year, etc.(usually with celebrations 通常用 celebrations) 圣诞节、美国国庆、独立日、新年庆祝活动等religious 宗教庆典VERB + CELEBRATIONhave, hold 庆祝;举行庆祝活动They held a special celebration in his honour / honor.他们为他举行了一次特殊的庆祝活动。join, join in 参加庆祝活动I hope you'll join in the celebrations.我希望你参加庆祝活动。attend 出席庆典CELEBRATION + NOUNdinner, party 庆祝宴会PREPOSITIONin celebration of 为庆祝⋯They organized a dinner in celebration of the year's successes.他们安排了一个宴会来庆祝一年来所取得的成就。PHRASESa cause for celebration 庆祝的原因The victory was a cause for great celebration.这次胜利值得隆重庆祝。a celebration of sb's life, a celebration to mark sth 颂扬某人一生的/纪念⋯的庆祝活动They held a celebration to mark forty years of the service.他们举行了设立该服务 40 周年的庆祝活动。




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