

词组 praise
释义 praise


ADVERB | VERB + PRAISE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBeffusively, highly, lavishly, warmly 热情洋溢地/高度/大加/热烈地赞美He praised all his staff highly.他高度赞扬了所有的员工。publicly 公开表扬justly, rightly 恰当地表扬Her achievements in this field have been rightly praised.她在这一领域的成就得到了恰如其分的赞扬。repeatedly 多次称赞She repeatedly praised him and his works.她一再称赞他和他的作品。VERB + PRAISEbe quick to 迅速地表扬The defeated captain was quick to praise the winning team.败北的队长反应很快,马上赞扬了获胜队。PREPOSITIONfor 因为⋯而表扬They praised him for his cooking.他们夸他烹饪技术高超。PHRASESbe unanimously praised, be universally praised, be widely praised 获得一致赞誉;受到普遍称赞The album has been universally praised for its creativity.这张专辑的创新性得到了普遍好评。praise sb/sth to the skies 把⋯捧上天Her manager praised her to the skies.她的经理把她捧上了天。




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