

词组 brother
释义 brother


ADJECTIVE | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig, elder, older 兄长;哥哥Bill idolizes his big brother, who is a professional boxer.比尔非常崇拜他那当职业拳击手的哥哥。baby, kid (informal) , little, small, younger 尚在襁褓中的弟弟;小弟弟twin 双胞胎兄弟full (= sharing both parents) 亲兄弟beloved, much-loved 心爱的兄弟She wrote daily to her beloved brother, Leo.她每天给亲爱的弟弟利奥写信。long-lost 失散多年的兄弟His old teacher greeted him like a long-lost brother.他以前的老师就像对待失散多年的兄弟一样迎接他。dead, deceased, late 已故的兄弟He married the wife of his late brother.他娶了已故哥哥的妻子。bachelor, unmarried 单身汉/未婚的兄弟PHRASESblood brothers (= close friends who have sworn to remain friends for life) , brother and sister 结拜兄弟;兄弟姐妹Do you have any brothers and sisters?你有兄弟姐妹吗?like brothers 亲如兄弟The boys are so close, they're like brothers.这些男孩子亲密得像兄弟一般。




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