

词组 inflation
释义 inflation


ADJECTIVE | VERB + INFLATION | INFLATION + VERB | INFLATION + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEhigh, massive 高通货膨胀;大幅度膨胀low, moderate 低通货膨胀;适度的通货膨胀zero 零通货膨胀率galloping (especially BrE) , raging (especially BrE) , rampant, rising, runaway, spiralling/spiraling (especially BrE) 飞速的通货膨胀;失控的通货膨胀;螺旋上升式通货膨胀double-digit (= 10% or more) 两位数的通货膨胀率consumer-price, price, wage (especially BrE) 消费物价上涨;物价膨胀;工资上涨domestic 国内通货膨胀grade (= the apparent increase in students' grades over time due to the fact that exams are becoming easier) (学生考试)分数贬值VERB + INFLATIONcause 导致通货膨胀fuel, push up 加剧/推高通货膨胀beat, bring down, bring under control, combat, control, curb, fight, get down, get under control, keep down, keep in check, keep under control, reduce 遏制通货膨胀;降低通货膨胀率;抗击通货膨胀policies to beat inflation遏制通货膨胀的政策It is vital that inflation is kept in check.抑制通货膨胀至关重要。keep pace with, keep up with 与通货膨胀保持同步;赶上通货膨胀Wages are not keeping pace with inflation.工资的增长赶不上通货膨胀的速度。outpace 超过通货膨胀的速度INFLATION + VERBbe up 通货膨胀率上升be down 通货膨胀率降低Inflation is down to its lowest level in three years.通货膨胀率降到了 3 年来的最低水平。exceed sth, reach sth 通货膨胀率超过⋯/达到⋯Inflation reached a monthly rate of 5%.月通货膨胀率达到了 5%。average sth, be at sth, run at sth, stand at sth 通货膨胀率平均为⋯;通货膨胀率为⋯;通货膨胀率居于⋯Inflation is running at 4%.目前通货膨胀率达到 4%。edge up (especially BrE) , go up, increase, rise 通货膨胀率逐渐攀升;通货膨胀加剧;通货膨胀率上升fall, go down, slow 通货膨胀率降低;通货膨胀速度放缓Inflation has slowed to 7%.通货膨胀率已放慢至 7%。erode sth 通货膨胀削弱⋯savings eroded by inflation受通货膨胀影响而贬值的储蓄INFLATION + NOUNfigures, rate 通货膨胀数字;通货膨胀率an inflation rate of 2%2% 的通货膨胀率expectations, forecast, target 通货膨胀预期/预测/目标PHRASESthe battle against inflation, the fight against inflation 抗击通货膨胀的斗争a drop in inflation, a fall in inflation 通货膨胀率的下降an drop in inflation to 2.4%通货膨胀率降至 2.4%an increase in inflation, a rise in inflation 通货膨胀率的增长/上升an increase in inflation to 3.5%通货膨胀率增至 3.5%the rate of inflation 通货膨胀率




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