

词组 stress
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4physical force 物理压力ADJECTIVE | VERB + STRESS | STRESS + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEenormous, high 巨大的压力low 低压力constant 恒定压力equal 相同的压力There is equal stress on all parts of the structure.结构的各部分受力均等。undue 过度压力Avoid exercise that puts undue stress on the knees.不要做给膝盖造成过度压力的运动。mechanical 机械应力The majority of sports injuries are due to excessive mechanical stress on joints, ligaments and muscles.多数运动损伤都是因关节、韧带和肌肉承受过度机械应力造成的。VERB + STRESSexert, set up 施加/形成压力The tower exerts an enormous stress on the walls.塔楼对墙造成巨大压力。The movements set up stresses in the earth's crust.这些运动给地壳造成了巨大压力。apply, put, subject sth to 用力;使⋯受力Stress is applied to the wood to make it bend.给木材施力使之弯曲。Standing all day puts stress on your feet.整天站着会使双脚承受压力。The buttresses are subjected to constant stress.这些扶壁承受着恒定的压力。bear, take, withstand 经受/遭受/承受压力increase, reduce 增加/减少压力transfer, transmit 转移/传递压力calculate 计算压力Engineers calculated the stresses borne by each of the bridge supports.工程师计算了每座桥墩所承受的压力。STRESS + NOUNfracture 应力骨折He was diagnosed with a stress fracture in his right foot.他被诊断为右脚应力骨折。PREPOSITIONstress on ⋯上的压力Cycling puts very little stress on the joints.骑车时关节受力很小。under stress 在压力之下Some woods warp under stress.有些木材受力后会弯曲。




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