

词组 state
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2country/government 国家;政府ADJECTIVE | VERB + STATE | STATE + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcity, nation 城邦;单一民族的独立国家independent, sovereign 独立/主权国家foreign 外国client 附庸国failed, rogue 失败/无赖国家rogue states that shelter terrorists为恐怖分子提供庇护的无赖国家democratic, one-party, police, socialist, totalitarian 民主/一党制/警察/社会主义/极权主义国家member 成员国member states of the European Union欧洲联盟的成员国powerful, strong 强国weak 弱小的国家neighbouring/neighboring 邻国welfare 福利国家nanny (especially BrE) (对民众管制过多的)保姆式国家This latest policy is an example of the nanny state gone mad.这项最新颁布的政策表明这个保姆式国家已经走向疯狂。VERB + STATEcreate, establish 创建/建立国家They created a modern nation state.他们创建了一个单一民族的现代国家。become 成为国家In 1949 China became a communist state.1949 年中国成为了一个共产主义国家。STATE + NOUNenterprise, monopoly 国有企业;国家垄断control, ownership 国家控制;国有制The telephone network is still under state control.电话网仍在国家控制之下。property 国有财产Every citizen could buy shares in privatized state property.每一个公民都可以购买私有化后的国家财产的股份。sector (especially BrE) , system 国营部门/体制Teachers in the state sector are asking for a 7% pay rise.公办学校的教师要求加薪 7%。schools outside the state system公办教育体制以外的学校education (= paid for by the government) (BrE) 公办教育school (= paid for by the government) (in the UK) 公立学校Did you go to a state school or a private school?你上的是公立学校还是私立学校?school, university (= managed by a state) (in the US) 州立学校/大学aid, funding, funds, subsidy, support 国家援助;政府出资;国家基金;政府补贴;政府扶持benefit, pension (both especially BrE) 政府救济金;国家养老金unemployed people living on state benefits靠政府救济金生活的失业者The state pension is barely enough to live on.靠国家养老金几乎难以维持生计。intervention (especially BrE) 政府干预large-scale state intervention in industry政府对工业的大规模干预power 国家权力the legitimate exercise of state power国家权力的合法使用spending 政府开支Some prefer tax cuts to greater state spending on health and social services.有些人更希望减税,而不是希望政府增加医疗和社会服务方面的开支。employee 政府雇员secret 国家机密He was shot for passing state secrets to foreign powers.他因向外国势力透露国家机密而被枪毙。PHRASESaffairs of state, matters of state 国家事务The president's wife is said to have a powerful hand in affairs of state.据说总统夫人对国家事务染指颇深。church and state 教会与政府the separation of church and state政教分离an enemy of the state 国家公敌her status as an enemy of the state她国家公敌的身份head of state 国家元首Visiting heads of state usually stay at the palace.来访的国家元首通常下榻在宫中。the power of the state 国家权力the role of the state 政府的角色




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