

词组 worry
释义 worry


ADJECTIVE | VERB + WORRY | WORRY + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig, considerable, great, main, major, serious 大心事;极度烦恼的事Paying the mortgage is a big worry for many people.偿付抵押贷款对许多人来说是一件很头痛的事。Her mother's poor health caused her considerable worry.她母亲身体状况欠佳让她相当忧虑。My greatest worry is that he'll do something stupid.我最担心他会去做蠢事。genuine, real 真正的烦恼growing, increasing 与日俱增的烦恼slight 小烦恼day-to-day 日常的烦恼constant 持续的烦恼The money side of things has been a constant worry.资金方面一直令人苦恼。unnecessary 不必要的担心She gave her parents unnecessary worry when she forgot to call them.她忘记给父母打电话,引起他们不必要的担心。immediate 当前的烦恼My immediate worry is money.我当前的烦恼就是钱。nagging, niggling 挥之不去的忧虑I had a nagging worry that we weren't going to get there.我有个忧虑挥之不去,就是担心我们到不了那里。secret 内心的担忧It was a relief to share my secret worries with him.把心中的担忧告诉他后,我如释重负。business, economic, financial, money 生意上的/经济上的/财政上的/金钱上的担忧health 健康方面的担心VERB + WORRYhave 有烦心事That year he had major health worries.那一年他健康“亮红灯”,令他大为担忧。be beset by 受烦心事的困扰She wanted to enjoy her retirement without being beset by financial worries.她想享受退休生活而不必为金钱担忧。be frantic with, be out of your mind with, be sick with 担心得发狂;愁得要命I didn't know where he was and I was frantic with worry.我不知道他在哪里,担心得都要发疯了。express, voice 表示/表达担心share 分担忧虑cause (sb), give sb 令(某人)担忧;让某人担忧add to, increase 增加忧虑The fact that she heard nothing from him only increased her worry.听不到他的任何消息加重了她的担心。forget 忘记烦恼Try and forget your worries for a little while.试着暂时忘掉你的烦恼。alleviate, assuage, ease, soothe 减轻忧虑remove, take away, take out of sth 排除忧虑Take the worry out of flying with our travel insurance offer.有我们提供的旅游保险您可安心乘飞机。dismiss 对担忧不理会For years, the government has dismissed our worries as unfounded.多年来,政府一直认为我们是瞎担心而不予受理。WORRY + VERBdisappear, melt 担心消失prove groundless, prove unfounded 担忧被证明是无根据的Most of Nigel's worries proved groundless.奈杰尔的大部分担心被证明是毫无根据的。plague sb 担忧折磨着某人These worries plagued him constantly.这些担忧不断地折磨着他。PREPOSITIONamid worries 在忧虑中The dollar has fallen to a new low amid worries that the American economy is heading for trouble.由于人们普遍担心美国经济将陷入困境,美元汇率再创新低。worry about, worry over 为⋯担心They will not have worries over money.他们将不必为金钱担心。worry to 对⋯而言的心事His mother's health is an enormous worry to him.他母亲的健康状况是他的一大心事。PHRASEScause for worry 担心的原因There is no immediate cause for worry.目前没有什么可担心的。free from worry 无忧无虑have no worries on that score (BrE) 那方面不用担心The staff all work very hard-we've no worries on that score.全体员工工作都非常卖力 - 我们对此不必担心。the least of your worries 最不愁的事At the moment, the car is the least of my worries.目前,汽车是我最不发愁的事。no worries! (especially BrE) 不要担心!No worries-there's plenty of time.不要担心 - 时间足够了。a source of worry 忧虑的来源Money is a constant source of worry.金钱永远是件让人头疼的事。




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