

词组 breakfast
释义 breakfast


ADJECTIVE | BREAKFAST + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig, full, good, hearty, large, proper, solid, substantial 量大的早餐;品种齐全的早餐;丰盛的早餐light, modest 量少的/适量的早餐cooked, fried (especially BrE) 煮好的/煎制的早餐American-style, continental, English 美式/欧洲大陆式/英式早餐a full English breakfast of cereal, bacon and eggs and toast有麦片、熏肉、鸡蛋和吐司的全套英式早餐hot 热早餐buffet 自助式早餐pancake (NAmE) 煎饼早餐hasty, hurried, quick 仓促的早餐leisurely, long 悠然的早餐early, late 吃得早的/吃得晚的早餐healthy 健康的早餐working 工作早餐champagne 有香槟的早餐BREAKFAST + NOUNcereal 早餐麦片dishes, things 早餐碟子/餐具Would you clear away the breakfast things?你来清理一下早餐用具好吗?bar, nook (NAmE) , room, table 早餐店;早餐区;早餐室;早餐桌meeting 早餐会show, television 早餐时间的电视节目food 早餐食品Low-fat cheeses and yogurt are good breakfast foods.低脂奶酪和酸奶是很好的早餐食品。PHRASESbreakfast in bed 在床上吃早餐He treated his wife to breakfast in bed on her birthday.妻子生日时,他服侍妻子在床上吃早餐。 note at meal (for verbs)




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