

词组 bracket
释义 bracket


1brackets (especially BrE) marks around extra information in writing 括号 see also parenthesis ADJECTIVE | VERB + BRACKETS | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEangle (BrE, NAmE) , curly (also braces, esp. in NAmE) , round, square (just brackets in NAmE) 尖括号;大括号;圆括号;方括号VERB + BRACKETSenclose sth in, give sth in, put sth in 给⋯加上括号The prices are given in brackets.价格列在括号中。PREPOSITIONin brackets, inside brackets, within brackets 在括号内The words in brackets should be deleted.括号中的字应删除。outside brackets 在括号外The numbers outside the curly brackets are the sales figures.大括号外的数字是销售量。




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