

词组 illness
释义 illness


ADJECTIVE | ... OF ILLNESS | VERB + ILLNESS | ILLNESS + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEdeadly, fatal, incurable, terminal 致命的疾病;不治之症;绝症catastrophic (NAmE, law 法律) , critical, dangerous, debilitating, devastating, life-threatening, major, serious, severe, terrible 重大疾病;危重疾病;危险的病情;使人虚弱的疾病;毁灭性的疾病;危及性命的疾病;可怕的疾病He suffered from a debilitating illness which made everyday life a struggle.他得了一种使人虚弱不堪的病,连日常生活都成了煎熬。mild, minor 微恙;小病treatable 可以治疗的疾病Clinical depression is a treatable illness.临床抑郁症是一种可以治疗的疾病。preventable 可以预防的疾病TB is a major cause of preventable illness and death.结核病是诱发可预防疾病和导致死亡的重要因素。lengthy, lingering, long, long-standing, long-term, prolonged 痼疾;顽症;沉疴degenerative, progressive 变性疾病;不断发展的病情brief, short 短期疾病final, last 绝症acute, chronic 急性病;慢性病sudden 突发疾病Kerry died of a sudden illness.克里暴病而亡。infectious 传染病family, genetic 家族疾病;遗传性疾病We assess the applicant's history of family illness.我们评估申请人的家族病史。painful 折磨人的疾病mysterious, mystery, unexplained 神秘的病症;不明原因的疾病They had failed to find the cause of his mystery illness.他们没能找出他这种神秘疾病的病因。common 常见病Diabetes is a common illness.糖尿病是一种常见病。rare 罕见的疾病He became blind after contracting a rare illness.他感染上一种罕见的病症后就失明了。depressive, mental, psychiatric, psychological, psychotic, stress-related 抑郁症;精神疾病;心理疾病;由压力引发的疾病psychosomatic 心身病medical 医学疾病Depression is a treatable medical illness.抑郁症是一种可治疗的医学疾病。AIDS-related, flu-like, food-borne (especially NAmE) , physical, respiratory, smoking-related, viral 艾滋病相关病症;流感样病症;食源性疾病;身体疾病;呼吸系统病症;与吸烟有关的疾病;病毒性疾病childhood 儿童疾病... OF ILLNESSbout, episode 一场病;一次疾病发作an acute episode of mental illness一次精神病急性发作VERB + ILLNESSexperience, have, suffer, suffer from 经历疾病;有病;患病those who experience mental illness患有精神病的人Badly fed children suffer a lot of minor illnesses.饮食不良的孩子常常闹些小病。people who suffer from mental illness精神病患者catch, contract, develop, get 得病;染病people who never seem to catch the illnesses their friends get似乎从来不会感染朋友所得疾病的人们He contracted a serious illness and died a month later.他身染重病,一个月后去世了。diagnose 诊断疾病treat 治疗疾病The drug is used to treat a wide range of illnesses.这种药物用于治疗多种疾病。cure, heal (especially NAmE) 治愈疾病The only thing that could cure her illness was a special herb.唯一能治好她疾病的东西是一种特别的草药。control, manage 控制/调理疾病ways to help arthritis sufferers manage their illness帮助关节炎患者调理病情的方法survive 挺过了疾病She survived a life-threatening illness.她挺过了一场危及性命的大病。beat 战胜疾病Claire is optimistic she can beat her illness.克莱尔对战胜疾病持乐观态度。cause 引起疾病illnesses caused by poverty贫穷导致的各种疾病prevent 预防疾病a drug that may be helpful in preventing illnesses such as cancer可能有助于预防癌症等疾病的药物battle, combat 与疾病斗争fight, fight off, overcome, recover from 抵抗疾病;战胜疾病;病后康复The immune system enables the body to fight off illness.免疫系统使身体能够抵抗疾病。fake, feign 装病;佯装生病She feigned illness so that she wouldn't have to go to school.她假装生病,这样就不用去上学了。nurse sb through 护理某人度过病期She nursed her father through his final illness.她护理父亲度过了患病中的最后一段时光。bear 忍受病痛She bore her final illness with great courage.她以巨大的勇气承受了最后的病痛。ILLNESS + VERBaffect sb, afflict (formal) 疾病感染某人/折磨The mystery illness affected hundreds of people.有数百人染上了这种怪病。Mental illness afflicts one in four people.每四个人当中就有一个人遭受精神疾病的折磨。plague sb 病魔缠绕某人Her childhood was plagued by illness.她在童年时期饱受疾病折磨。hit (sb), strike (sb) 疾病袭击(某人)Suddenly, illness hit the household.突然之间,疾病袭击了整个家庭。The illness struck while he was touring.他在旅游期间突然患病。arise, occur 疾病发作/发生Some illnesses occur more frequently following puberty.有些疾病在青春期以后发作更加频繁。cause sth 疾病引起⋯the pain and distress caused by your illness由于你的疾病引起的痛苦和焦虑progress 疾病发展As his illness progressed, Neil began to have difficulty speaking.随着病情的发展,尼尔开始出现言语困难。result (from sth) 疾病产生(自⋯)Sometimes it's hard to tell whether illnesses result from bacteria or viruses.有时候很难分辨疾病到底是细菌引起的还是病毒引起的。require sth 疾病需要⋯Both illnesses require treatment.两种疾病都需要治疗。PREPOSITIONafter illness 病愈后He's just returned to work after illness.他病愈后刚刚回来上班。because of illness, due to illness, through illness 由于生病earnings lost through illness生病造成的收入损失with illness 身患疾病people with serious psychological illnesses患有严重心理疾病的人illness among ⋯中的疾病a high rate of illness among the workers工人中的高发病率illness associated with 与⋯有关的疾病the illnesses associated with HIV infection与艾滋病病毒感染有关的疾病illness from 源自⋯的疾病the first case of illness from the Ebola virus由埃博拉病毒引起的首个病例illness in ⋯中的疾病episodes of illness in children儿童中的发病PHRASESthe onset of an illness 疾病的发作the sudden onset of illness in a parent父母中一方突然发病




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