

词组 ideology
释义 ideology


ADJECTIVE | VERB + IDEOLOGY ADJECTIVEdominant, prevailing 主流意识形态official 官方意识形态competing, opposing 相互抵触的/相互对立的意识形态They are divided by opposing ideologies.他们因意识形态冲突而彼此对立。shared 共有的意识形态They're rooted in a shared ideology.他们植根于共有的意识形态。underlying 深层意识形态the underlying ideology of neoliberalism新自由主义的深层意识形态core 核心意识形态These businesses have a core ideology of which profit is but one ideal.这些公司的核心理念是:利润是唯一的理想。coherent 连贯的思想体系The party's policies were based on prejudice rather than on any coherent ideology.该党政策的基础是偏见,而不是什么连贯的思想。powerful, strong 强大的/强烈的意识形态narrow 狭隘的意识形态the narrow ideology of the extreme right极右派狭隘的意识形态radical 激进的意识形态the radical ideology of the French Revolution法国革命的激进思想evil, hateful (especially NAmE) 邪恶的/可恨的意识形态They share a hateful ideology that rejects tolerance.他们都抱有拒绝宽容的可恶的思想。cultural, economic, gender (especially NAmE) , political, racial, religious 文化思想体系;经济思想体系;性别意识形态;政治思想体系;种族意识形态;宗教思想体系Gender ideology still has an important role in determining how couples allocate household tasks.性别意识形态在夫妻家务分配中仍然扮演着重要角色。bourgeois, capitalist, communist, extremist, feminist, fundamentalist, liberal, Marxist, nationalist, revolutionary, socialist, etc. 资产阶级意识形态、资本主义意识形态、共产主义意识形态、极端主义意识形态、女性主义思想、原教旨主义思想、自由主义意识形态、马克思主义思想体系、民族主义思想、革命思想、社会主义意识形态等VERB + IDEOLOGYhave 有思想体系The party had a Marxist ideology.该党以马克思主义思想为指导。adopt, embrace, espouse, support 采纳思想体系;欣然接受思想;拥护意识形态They distanced themselves from the upper class and adopted a communist ideology.他们与上流阶层疏远并接受了共产主义思想。promote, spread 宣扬/传播意识形态They want to spread their ideology of hope.他们想要传播他们的希望理念。impose 强加意识形态an ideology imposed by an elite group由精英集团强加的意识形态share 共有意识形态They share a common political ideology.他们拥有共同的政治理念。base 使理念以⋯为基础a unique ideology based on the concept of service以服务观念为基础的独特理念challenge 挑战意识形态This ideology was challenged in the early twentieth century.这种理念在 20 世纪早期受到挑战。reject 拒绝意识形态




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