

词组 payable
释义 payable


(especially BrE) VERBS | ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES VERBSbe 应付become (BrE) 到期应付the date on which the rent becomes payable应该支付租金的日期make sth 使⋯应付予Cheques should be made payable to Brighton Borough Council. (BrE) 支票应开给布莱顿市政会。Include a check made payable to the Texas Department of Transportation. (NAmE) 请附上一张支付给得克萨斯州交通局的支票。ADVERBimmediately (BrE) 应即时支付的This amount is payable immediately.这笔钱应即时支付。PREPOSITIONby 应由⋯支付the costs payable by a client应该由客户支付的费用on 应就⋯支付No tax is payable on these earnings.这些收入不需交税。to 应付给⋯An initial fee is payable to the franchiser.应付给授特许权公司一笔先期费用。PHRASESpayable in instalments/installments 可分期付款




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