

词组 identify
释义 identify


ADVERB | VERB + IDENTIFY | PHRASES ADVERBaccurately, correctly, rightly 准确地辨识;正确地识别The new test will enable us to identify more accurately patients who are most at risk.新的检测方法将使我们能够更加准确地识别哪些病人的情况最危急。Did you identify all the pictures correctly?你把所有照片都认对了吗?falsely, incorrectly, mistakenly, wrongly 错误地辨认positively 确认clearly, unambiguously, unequivocally, uniquely 清楚地辨认;明确地认出;特别地识别We have not yet clearly identified the source of the pollution.我们尚未确定污染源。a serial number that uniquely identifies the disk用于逐一区分光盘的序列号formally 正式辨认Someone has to formally identify the body.必须有人出面正式确认死者的身份。easily, readily 容易辨认;轻易认出I could identify him easily if I saw him again.如果再见到他,我很容易就能把他认出来。quickly, rapidly 很快认出;快速辨识Business trends are rapidly identified by this system.通过这个系统能迅速了解商业发展动态。tentatively 初步鉴定All three structures dated to the third century and were tentatively identified as shrines.这 3 座建筑全都建于 3 世纪,并且被初步鉴定为神庙。reliably 可靠地认定properly 恰当地辨认successfully 成功辨识Jaime successfully identified all 45 different species.杰米成功辨别出全部 45 个品种。automatically 自动识别a computer program to automatically identify any query ending with a question mark一套自动识别以问号结尾的问句的计算机程序explicitly, specifically 明确地识别;具体指明The pressbook did not specifically identify the film's setting.宣传材料没具体说明电影的背景。publicly 公开指明Ms. Wilson was publicly identified as a CIA operative.威尔逊女士被公开指认为中情局特工。initially, originally 最初/原来指认visually 直观地发现The surgeon visually identifies and cuts out the cancerous tissue.外科大夫确认癌变组织的位置并予以切除。VERB + IDENTIFYbe able to, be unable to, can, manage to 能辨认;不能辨认;可以确定;设法确定tests that can identify people at risk of cancer能发现人是否有癌变危险的检测be easy to, be possible to 易于辨认;有可能确认be difficult to, struggle to 难以辨别;费力地辨认be necessary to, need to 有必要确定;需要辨认attempt to, endeavour/endeavor to, seek to, strive to, try to 试图确认;努力辨认;力图辨认hope to 希望找到The researchers hope to identify ways to improve the treatment.研究人员希望找到提高治疗效果的方法。learn to 学会辨认Participants learn to identify different species by their calls.参与人员学习通过分析鸣叫声音来分辨不同的品种。allow sb to, be used to, enable sb to, help to, serve to 使某人可以辨认;用于辨认;使某人能够认出;帮助确认;用以识别decline to, refuse to 拒绝确认The newspaper declined to identify the source of the allegations.报社拒绝透露那些说法的来源。fail to 没能认出Most students failed to identify the quotation.多数学生没能找出那条引语。PHRASESefforts to identify sb/sth 发现⋯的努力He has stepped up efforts to identify and acquire other small companies.他加紧努力寻找并收购别的小公司。a means of identifying sb/sth, a way of identifying sb/sth, a way to identify sb/sth 辨明⋯的方法;确认⋯的途径one means of identifying the disease in its early stages早期确诊这种疾病的一种方法




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