

词组 promise
释义 promise


2signs that sb/sth will be successful 成功的迹象ADJECTIVE | VERB + PROMISE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEconsiderable, enormous, great, real, tremendous 大有前途;很有希望This new venture holds great promise for the future.这家新企业将大有前途。little 希望不大youthful (especially BrE) 年轻时表现出的成功迹象early, initial 小时候/开始时表现出的成功迹象future 对未来的承诺VERB + PROMISEhold, show 有出息;有前途fulfil/fulfill, live up to 实现希望;达到预期的成功His career failed to live up to its early promise.他的事业没有像早期表现的那样成功。PREPOSITIONof promise 有发展前途的a pianist of promise有发展前途的钢琴手promise as 作为⋯的前途She showed great promise as a runner.她作为赛跑运动员很有前途。PHRASESfull of promise 充满希望The year began so full of promise, and ended in disappointment.这一年开始时充满了希望,却以失望而告终。




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