

词组 bill
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4proposal for a new law 法案ADJECTIVE | VERB + BILL | BILL + VERB ADJECTIVEcontroversial 有争议的法案comprehensive, sweeping (NAmE) 综合/全面法案a sweeping bill that will reform the nation's immigration system全面改革国家移民制度的法案emergency 紧急法案draft 议案草案proposed 提案pending (NAmE) 待决的议案bipartisan (NAmE) 代表两党的议案private member's (in the UK) (非内阁成员的)无公职议员所提交的法案congressional, federal, Treasury (in the US) 国会/联邦/财政部议案budget, spending (both NAmE) 预算/开支议案reform 改革法案anti-terrorism, education, immigration, intelligence, etc. 反恐、教育、移民、情报等法案VERB + BILLbring forward, bring in, introduce, propose, put forward, submit 提出议案The bill will be introduced next month.该议案将于下个月提交。The government has put forward an emergency bill to limit the powers of the police.政府已提出紧急议案来限制警方的权力。bring before Parliament (BrE) , bring to the floor (NAmE) , bring to a vote (especially NAmE) 向议会提交议案;向全体与会者提交议案;提交议案以表决The bill will be brought before Parliament next year.该议案将于明年提交议会。The bill was brought to the floor of the House last summer.该议案是去年夏天提交给众议院的。force through (BrE) , push through, rush through (BrE) 强行/推动/草率地通过议案Republicans will try to push the bill through Congress.共和党人将会力促国会通过该议案。The opposition will try to force the bill through Parliament.反对党将试图强行在议会通过这一法案。draft, prepare, write 起草议案sponsor 发起法案amend 修正议案debate 就议案进行辩论adopt, approve, pass, sign 采纳议案;通过议案;签署法案back, endorse, support, vote for 支持议案;投票支持议案block, defeat, kill (NAmE) , reject, throw out, veto 阻挠议案通过;否决议案oppose, vote against 反对/投票反对议案shelve, withdraw 暂时搁置/撤回议案BILL + VERBbecome law 法案成为法律The bill became law in June.该法案 6 月份成为法律。contain, include sth 法案包括⋯The bill included a gradual phase-out of estate tax.该法案包括逐步淘汰遗产税。propose sth 法案提出⋯ban sth, prohibit sth 法案禁止⋯allow sth 法案允许⋯




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