

词组 belt
释义 belt


3area of land 地区ADJECTIVE | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbroad, wide 宽广地带narrow, thin 狭长区域central 中心地带coastal, mountain 海岸地带;山岳带corn, cotton, wheat 谷物带;产棉区;小麦产区green (= open land around a city where building is strictly controlled) , industrial 绿化带;工业带New roads are cutting into the green belt.新建道路侵占了绿化带。rust (= an area where industries have closed) 工业衰退带Bible (= where many people have strong Christian beliefs) (in the US) 《圣经》地带(美国南部主张恪守《圣经》全部文句的基督教基要派流行地带)hurricane 飓风地带radiation 辐射带The space mission provided new data on the Earth's radiation belts.这次太空任务提供了地球辐射带的新数据。commuter, stockbroker (both BrE) 通勤居民带;城市(尤指伦敦)边缘的富人区PREPOSITIONbelt of ⋯带a narrow belt of trees狭长的林带




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