释义 |
police noun ADJECTIVE | VERB + POLICE | POLICE + VERB | POLICE + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEarmed, mounted 武装警察;骑警plain-clothes, uniformed 便衣警察;穿制服的警察undercover 卧底警察riot, traffic 防暴警察;交通警察military, paramilitary, secret, security 军事/准军事/秘密/治安警察airport, border, campus (especially NAmE) , city (especially NAmE) , county, federal, local, national, state 机场警察;边境警察;校园警察;城市警察;县警察;联邦警察;地方警察;国家警察;州警察fashion, thought (both figurative) 时尚/思想警察◆Following this rule will keep the fashion police off your tail.按照这个规则做可使你摆脱时尚警察的盯梢。VERB + POLICEcall, contact 打电话叫警察;与警方联系alert, inform, notify, tell 报警;向警方告发involve 把警察牵涉进来◆I'd really rather not involve the police.我真的不愿意把警察卷进来。elude, evade 逃避警方POLICE + VERBarrest sb, detain sb 警察逮捕某人/扣留某人catch sb 警察抓住某人charge sb 警方起诉某人◆The police charged him with impaired driving.警方指控他酒后驾驶。patrol sth 警察巡逻⋯raid sth 警方突然搜查⋯◆The police raided his shop.警方突击搜查了他的店铺。arrive, respond 警方到达/作出反应◆The police arrived to break up the battle.警察赶到,驱散了那场打斗。interview sb, question sb 警察审问某人/盘问某人investigate sth 警察调查⋯harass sb 警方骚扰某人appeal for sth (especially BrE) 警方呼吁⋯◆Police have appealed for witnesses to come forward.警方呼吁目击者出来提供线索。POLICE + NOUNcaptain, chief, commissioner (especially NAmE) , constable (BrE) , detective, inspector, lieutenant, officer 警察局巡官队长;(郡县或地区的)警察局长;警察厅长;普通警员;警探;警局巡官;警察副队长;警官spokesman 警方发言人investigator, official 警方调查人员;警方官员department, headquarters, station 警察局;警察总部;派出所academy (especially NAmE) 警察学院cell (BrE) 警察局的单人牢房◆He spent the night in a police cell after his arrest.他被捕后在警察局的小囚室里过了一夜。report 警方的报告◆Police reports state that at around 6.30 p.m. Poole and a relative had an argument in his backyard.警方报告指出,在下午大约 6 点 30 分,普尔和一个亲戚在后院有过争吵。◆Contact your local police department to file a police report. (NAmE) 请与当地的警察部门联系报案。blotter (NAmE) 警方记录册◆His name has never shown up on the police blotter (= written record of arrests).他的名字从来没有在警察的记录簿中出现过。record 警方记录◆I had a police record.我有过一次违警记录。car, cruiser (especially NAmE) , helicopter, van (BrE) , vehicle 警车;警方巡逻车;警用直升机;厢式警车◆an unmarked police car无标志的警车siren 警笛driver (BrE) , marksman 警车司机;警方神射手dog, horse 警犬;警用马uniform 警察制服authorities, force, service 警察当局/部队/队伍unit 警察分队enquiries (BrE) , investigation 警方讯问/调查interrogation, surveillance 警方审问/监视escort 警方的护送◆The visiting fans returned to the station under police escort.客队的球迷在警方的护送下回到火车站。patrol 警察巡逻◆A routine police patrol spotted signs of a break-in at the offices.警方在一次例行巡逻中发现了有人非法闯入办公室的迹象。raid 警方的突击搜捕◆Nine arrests were made in a series of police raids across the city.警察在对全市的一系列突击搜捕中逮捕了 9 人。presence 驻警◆There was a huge police presence at the demonstration.游行示威现场部署了大批警察。protection 警方的保护◆All prosecution witnesses were given police protection.原告的所有证人都得到了警方保护。barricades, cordon, lines 警方设置的路障/封锁线/警戒线◆Some protesters managed to break through the police cordon.一些抗议者冲破了警察的警戒线。checkpoint, roadblock 警方的检查站;警方设置的路障chase 警方追捕shooting 警察射击informant, informer 警方线人abuse, brutality, corruption, harassment, misconduct, violence 警方的滥用职权/暴行/腐败/骚扰/渎职行为/暴力state 警察国家◆The country looks more and more like a police state.这个国家看上去越来越像个警察国家。PHRASEShelping the police with their enquiries (BrE) 接受警方讯问◆No arrest has been made, but a man is helping the police with their enquiries.没有人被捕,但是有一名男子正接受警方讯问。in police custody 被警方拘押◆He was held in police custody for a month.他被警方拘留了一个月。 |