

词组 Playing cards
释义 Playing cards 打牌two, three, etc. of... ⋯牌的 2、3 等the four of hearts 红桃 4jack of..., queen of..., king of..., ace of... ⋯牌的 J、Q、K、Athe ace of spades 黑桃 Ahigh..., low... (某花色的)大牌、小牌a low club 小梅花black..., red... 黑色牌;红色牌You can't put a red five on a red six. 红色 5 点大不过红色 6 点。pick up..., take... 抓牌;拿牌Why didn't you pick up the king? 你为什么不拿那张 K?have..., hold... 有⋯牌;握着⋯牌He knew his opponents held only spades and diamonds. 他知道对手手中只有黑桃和方块。lay down..., play..., put down... 出牌She put down a joker. 她出了一张百搭牌。lead... 开牌You should have led a high spade. 你应该先出一张大黑桃。draw... 吊⋯牌Use your ace and king to draw the trumps. 用你的 A 和 K 吊将牌。trump... 打出将牌吃⋯He trumped my ace! 他用王牌吃了我的 A !... are high, ... are trumps, ... are wild ⋯是大牌 / 王牌 / 百搭牌Spades are trumps. 黑桃是主牌。This time twos are wild, aces high. 这次 2 是百搭牌,A 是大牌。... trick 一圈出牌(in games like bridge and whist 桥牌、惠斯特牌等游戏中) We needed to take three more spade tricks. 我们还需要三墩黑桃赢牌。on a/the... 跟牌You can play either a nine or a jack on a ten. 对 10 点牌你可以跟 9 点或 J。




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