

词组 twig
释义 twig


ADJECTIVE | VERB + TWIG | TWIG + VERB ADJECTIVEdry 干燥细枝bare 光秃秃的细枝dead 枯枝broken 折断的细枝She ran, treading on broken twigs and stumbling over roots.她跑了起来,脚下踩着折断了的细树枝,不时被树根绊一下。birch, willow, etc. 桦树枝、柳树枝等VERB + TWIGbreak, break off, snap, snap off 折断细枝She broke a twig from a nearby tree and began poking it into the soft ground.她从附近一棵树上折下了一根细树枝,开始戳进软软的地面。He broke off a twig from a willow tree and used it to shoo the flies away.他折下了一根柳树枝来驱赶苍蝇。TWIG + VERBbreak, snap 细枝折断/啪地折断A twig snapped under her feet.一根细树枝在她脚下咔嚓一声断了。The sharp sound of a twig snapping scared the badger away.细枝突然折断的刺耳声音把獾惊跑了。




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