

词组 petition
释义 petition


2document signed by many people 多人签名的文件ADJECTIVE | VERB + PETITION | PETITION + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEprotest (especially BrE) 抗议请愿书10 000 people signed a protest petition.一万人签署了抗议请愿书。online 网上请愿书nominating, recall (both NAmE, politics 政治) 提名/罢免申请The deadline for filing nominating petitions for the primary election was Tuesday.提交初选提名申请的截止日期是星期二。Two million people signed the recall petition.两百万人在罢免申请上签了名。VERB + PETITIONsign 在请愿书上签名draft, launch, organize, raise (especially BrE) , start, write 草拟请愿书;发起请愿;组织请愿;提出请愿;启动请愿;书写请愿书We've started an online petition.我们已经开始网上请愿。draw up, get up (especially BrE) , set up (especially BrE) 起草请愿书;发起请愿;组织请愿The players drew up a petition and presented it to the coach.球员们起草了一份请愿书提交给教练。They've threatened to get up a petition against the plan.他们已经威胁要发起请愿反对这个计划。circulate 散发请愿书The company had actively circulated petitions to get rid of the union.该公司曾积极散发取消工会的请愿书。support 支持请愿deliver, present, send, submit 呈送请愿书;递交请愿书They delivered petitions with nearly 20 000 signatures to the Senate.他们向参议院递交了有近两万人签名的请愿书。PETITION + VERBask sth, ask for sth, call for sth, demand sth, request sth, seek sth, urge sth 请愿要求⋯;请愿敦促⋯a petition asking him to reconsider一份要求他重新考虑的请愿书oppose sth 请愿反对⋯The petition opposes the closures.请愿反对封锁。support sth 请愿支持⋯The petition supports the plan to rebuild the road.请愿支持道路重建计划。PREPOSITIONpetition against 反对⋯的请愿We're organizing a petition against the proposed building plans.我们正组织请愿,反对拟议中的建筑计划。petition by, petition from ⋯进行的请愿a petition by local residents当地居民的请愿petition for 为⋯的请愿Local government supports the petition for a new hospital.当地政府支持建立一家新医院的请求。petition in favour/favor of 支持⋯的请愿a petition in favour / favor of reform支持改革的请愿




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