

词组 perform
释义 perform


2work/function/play 运转;工作;表现ADVERB | VERB + PERFORM ADVERBadmirably, beautifully, brilliantly, efficiently, excellently, faultlessly, flawlessly, impressively, magnificently, solidly, strongly, superbly, well 表现得令人钦佩/很漂亮/很出色/有效率/很优秀/完美无缺/无可挑剔/给人印象很深/气度恢弘/扎扎实实/很有力/极卓越/很不错One or two of the players performed brilliantly.其中一两个选手表现得极为出色。The company has been performing strongly over the past year.公司在过去的一年中表现强劲。badly, dismally (especially BrE) , poorly 表现得糟糕;表现得令人失望The car performed poorly at high speeds.这辆车在高速行驶时性能很糟糕。adequately, competently, reliably, satisfactorily 表现合格;表现可靠;表现令人满意consistently 一贯表现VERB + PERFORMbe able to, be unable to 有能力表现得⋯;没有能力表现得⋯be expected to 被认为应当表现得⋯students who are expected to perform well预期表现出色的学生




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