

词组 flood
释义 flood


1large amount of water 洪水ADJECTIVE | VERB + FLOOD | FLOOD + VERB | FLOOD + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcatastrophic, devastating, great, severe 灾难性的/破坏性的/巨大的/凶猛的洪水flash 骤发的洪水spring, summer, etc. 春季、夏季等洪水VERB + FLOODcause 引发洪灾Heavy rainfall in the mountains caused the floods.山区的暴雨引发了洪灾。FLOOD + VERBcome 洪水到来No one knew that the flood was coming.没有人知道洪水就要来了。hit sth, strike sth 洪水袭击⋯This summer the region was struck by devastating floods.今年夏天这个地区遭受了毁灭性的洪水袭击。inundate sth 洪水淹没⋯The fields were inundated by heavy floods.田野被肆虐的洪水淹没了。cause sth 洪水引起⋯The flood caused widespread destruction.这次洪灾造成大面积破坏。subside 洪水减退The floods are slowly subsiding.洪水在慢慢退去。FLOOD + NOUNwater (usually floodwater or floodwaters) 洪水The floodwaters did not begin to recede until September.洪水直到 9 月份才开始消退。plain 洪泛区damage 洪涝灾害alert (BrE) , warning 洪水预警/警报victim 洪灾灾民control, defence/defense, prevention, protection, relief 防洪;防汛;排涝insurance 洪灾保险PHRASESbe in (full) flood (especially BrE) 泛滥The river was in full flood (= had flooded its banks).河水已经漫过堤岸。




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