

词组 skin
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1covering of a human/animal body 皮肤;皮ADJECTIVE | VERB + SKIN | SKIN + VERB | SKIN + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbeautiful, clear, fine, flawless, good, healthy, perfect 美丽的/洁净的/细嫩的/无瑕的/很好的/健康的/完美的肌肤You want clear, healthy skin.你需要洁净健康的肌肤。glowing, radiant 有光泽的肌肤Keep your skin radiant using creams and lotions.使用护肤霜和润肤乳令肌肤保有光泽。creamy, smooth, soft 细嫩的/光滑的/柔滑的肌肤thick, thin 厚皮肤;薄皮肤translucent 通透的肌肤supple, young, youthful 富有弹性的/娇嫩的/充满活力的肌肤sagging, wrinkled 松弛的/布满皱纹的皮肤hard, leathery, rough, tough 粗糙的皮肤delicate, sensitive 娇嫩的/敏感的皮肤greasy, oily 油性皮肤moist 湿润的皮肤dry, flaky, scaly 干燥的/起皮屑的/有鳞屑的皮肤flaking, peeling 起皮的/脱皮的皮肤black, brown, dark, ebony, golden, olive, tan 黑色的/棕色的/深色的/黑黝黝的/金黄色的/浅褐色的/棕褐色的皮肤alabaster (literary) , fair, ivory, light, milky, pale, porcelain (literary) , white 洁白光滑的肌肤;白皙的肌肤;象牙般的肤色;透亮的肌肤;牛奶般白皙的肌肤;苍白的肌肤;瓷娃娃般的肌肤Jenny is small and slender with porcelain skin.珍妮身材小巧纤细,皮肤白皙光滑。pallid, pasty, sallow 无血色的/苍白的/蜡黄的皮肤bronzed, tanned 古铜色的/晒黑的皮肤sunburned 晒伤的皮肤weathered 饱经风霜的皮肤freckled 长了雀斑的皮肤raw, tender 擦破了的/一触即疼的皮肤There was a patch of raw skin on my back where the sun had burned it.我背上有一块皮肤被太阳晒伤了,非常疼。itchy 发痒的皮肤blotchy 长大块斑点的皮肤broken, damaged 损伤的/破损的皮肤hairless 无毛的皮肤facial 面部皮肤Body skin is thicker than facial skin.身上的皮肤比面部皮肤厚。bare, exposed, naked 裸露的皮肤The sheets felt nice next to his bare skin.被单紧贴着他裸露的皮肤,感觉很舒服。Wear clothing that protects all exposed skin.着装要能保护所有裸露的肌肤。loose 松弛的皮肤I picked up the kitten by the loose skin on its neck.我抓住小猫脖子后面松松的毛皮把它拎了起来。outer 外皮dead 死皮A lot of dust is made up of particles of dead skin.灰尘多由死皮颗粒组成。VERB + SKINbreak, burn, damage, irritate 擦破/烧伤/损伤/刺激皮肤protect 保护皮肤moisturize, nourish, soothe 给皮肤补水;滋养皮肤;舒缓皮肤This cream moisturizes dry skin.这种润肤霜能为干燥皮肤补充水分。dry, dry out 使皮肤干燥exfoliate 去死皮Clean and exfoliate your skin before applying make-up.化妆前先清洁皮肤并去除角质。remove 去除皮层Exfoliate to remove dead skin.去除死皮。penetrate, pierce, puncture 穿破皮肤;刺破皮肤The needle pierced my skin.那根针刺破了我的皮肤。shed 蜕皮This snake sheds its skin eight times a year.这种蛇每年蜕皮 8 次。age 使皮肤老化Smoking undoubtedly ages the skin.吸烟无疑会使皮肤老化。SKIN + VERBglisten, glow 皮肤闪闪发光Her skin was glistening with sweat after her run.她跑完步后皮肤上带着汗珠闪闪发光。age 皮肤老化They claim that this cream makes the skin age more slowly.他们声称这种面霜能减缓皮肤衰老。hang, sag 皮肤下垂/松弛blister, burn, peel 皮肤起水疱/烧伤/脱皮crawl, tingle 皮肤起鸡皮疙瘩/刺痛Just thinking about spiders makes my skin crawl.仅仅是想到蜘蛛我都会起鸡皮疙瘩。SKIN + NOUNallergy, burns, cancer, complaint (especially BrE) , condition, damage, disease, disorder (especially NAmE) , infection, irritation, lesion, problems, rash 皮肤过敏;皮肤烧伤;皮肤癌;皮肤病;皮肤损伤;皮肤不适;皮肤感染;皮肤刺激;皮肤红肿;皮疹graft 皮肤移植specialist (especially BrE) 皮肤科医生care 皮肤护理make-up and skin-care products化妆品和护肤品cleanser, cream, lotion, products (especially NAmE) 洁肤乳;面霜;润肤乳;护肤品colour/color, tone 肤色texture 肤质type 皮肤类型cells, tissue 皮肤细胞/组织contact 皮肤接触Avoid skin contact with the glue.避免皮肤与胶水接触。PREPOSITIONagainst the/your skin 贴着皮肤The sheets felt rough against her skin.被单贴着皮肤她感觉有点儿磨。beneath the/your skin 在皮肤下Beneath his skin, the muscles were tight with tension.他皮下的肌肉因紧张而绷紧。on the/your skin 皮肤上blisters on the skin皮肤上的水疱through the/your skin 透过皮肤A network of veins showed through his skin.他青筋暴露。under the/your skin 皮下He discovered a lump under his skin so he went to the doctor.他发现皮下有个肿块,就去看了医生。PHRASESskin and bone (especially BrE) , skin and bones (especially NAmE) 皮包骨头The dog was little more than skin and bone / bones.这狗瘦得差不多皮包骨头了。




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