a man for all seasons
a man Friday
a man is judged by his deeds, not by his words
a man is judged by the company he keeps
a man is known by the company he keeps
a man of few words
a man of God/the cloth
a man of his word
a man of letters
a man of my kidney
a man of parts
a man of straw
a man of the people
a man of the world
a man's got to do what a man's got to do
a man's home is his castle
a man's man
a man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client
a man who stands for nothing will fall for anything
a man without a smiling face must not open a shop
a man, woman, etc. after your own heart
a man/woman of few words
a man/woman of parts
a man/woman of the people
a man/woman of the world
a man/woman on a mission
a man/woman/person of action
a man/woman with a mission
A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle
a mare's nest
a marked man
a marriage made in heaven
a marriage/match made in heaven
a marvel to behold
a match made in heaven
a match made in hell
amateur hour
a matter of course
a matter of days, miles, pounds, etc.
a matter of form
a matter of life and death
a matter of life or death
a matter of record
a matter of (something)
a matter of time
Ambassador of Morocco
amber gambler
amber nectar
amble along
ambulance chaser
ambulance chasing
a meal ticket
a mean something
a mean (something)
a means to an end
a meeting of minds
a melting pot
a member for Barkshire
amen corner
amen curler
amen to that
American as apple pie
American dream
American dream, the
a mess of pottage
(a) method in (one's) madness
(a) method to (one's) madness
a metric shitload
a metric shit ton
a Mickey Finn
Am I glad to see you!
a mile a minute
a mile away
a mile off
a mill cannot grind with water that is past
a million
a million and one (something)
a million miles away
a millstone about (one's) neck
a millstone around (one's) neck
a millstone around/round somebody's neck
a millstone around your neck
a millstone round (one's) neck
a millstone round your neck
Am I my brother's keeper?
a mind is a terrible thing to waste
a mind like a sieve
a mind of its own
a mind of own
a mine of information
am I right?
am I right or am I right
a miss is as good as a mile
a mite
Am I under arrest?
a mixed bag
a mixed bag/bunch
a mixed blessing
a mixed picture
a modest proposal
die off
die of (something)
die of throat trouble
die on
die on someone
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