Researchers compared prices in 165 of the world's most populated cities and found that, on average, UK drinkers pay PS1.07 more for their
amber nectar than the global average price of PS2.63 per pint.
Perth tops league table for a cheap pint of beer
AMBER nectar at the White House caused a stir when Honey Porter and Honey Ale beers were produced using honey from bees living in a hive on the South Lawn.
bee-ing friendly; Heard the show-buzz about honey? Marion McMullen looks at the famous faces keeping bees
In contrast the boys from Birkenhead plotted a wild night of celebrations on the
amber nectar.
In contrast, the boys from Birkenhead plotted a wild night of celebrations on the
amber nectar.
Connor's a real hero as Rovers roar up again
As the
amber nectar touches his lips his face is overcome with an expression that most people reserve for holding their baby for the first time.
This guy was caught on camera drinking his beer and people are cracking up; After taking a hearty swig he stared at his beer as if he'd discovered a new meaning to life
But my partyloving neighbours have been on
amber nectar alert every night since the heatwave began.
Dangers of lager's cooling qualities
Bladnoch, near Wigtown, is in the western end of my South Scotland constituency and began producing whisky in 1817, seven years before production of our
amber nectar was even made legal in Scotland.
Distillers are showing real spirit
Cains Brewery, Stanhope Street, July 5, 7pm event Craft Beer Festival Immerse yourself in the
amber nectar and join one of Liverpool's venues for their very own Craft Beer Festival.
How Skiffle phenomenon in that explains how have come to 48 YOUR NEXT hours MUSIC, THEATRE, COMEDY AND MORE ... FOUR PAGES OF LISTINGS START HERE
Actor David Hayman reckons Scotland's
amber nectar could be the key to a successful independent Scotland.
Thanks to the popularity of whisky, otherwise known as the 'water of life' (an English corruption from the name uisge beatha given by the ancient Celts), more than 99 million cases were exported last year (according to The Scotch Whisky Association) with 115 distilleries producing this
amber nectar and 33 bottles shipped overseas every second.
Celebrate with a Highland fling; news liquid
From Belgian lambic fruit beers and North American amber lagers, to Black Forest Pilsner and Liverpool pale ale, this is the
amber nectar at it's finest.
Five student bars for whatever mood you're in; SPONSORED: Liverpool's top student spots to suit your mood
Of course at the end of the day, there may be a lot of these tool heads secured away, and although I do keep meticulous records on the process of working up each load, if I am asked at the end of a day's shooting what so-and-so's load is, as I finish topping up my glass with the required
amber nectar, my answer will be a confident "How the hell should I know?" The
amber nectar is far more important than paging through my dusty folders at that time of the day.
Notes on working up safe handloads: handloading for a club is a job of work, but there's nothing that says it can't be fun and enlightening
Upon reflection one evening at the local football club, which involved a plate of chips and what my Antipodean friends would call some '
amber nectar', I note that I have adopted a far more 'it happens when it happens' approach.
Retiring builders
Now Bernd Herbrich, manager of the beer emporium, intends to put up his own to inform customers that they are buying a slice of history along with their
amber nectar.
Adolf Hitler's bunker turned into beer shop
Eventually becoming the giant Southcorp wine business, it was bought out by
Amber Nectar beer monster Fosters in the mid-1990s only to be demerged into Treasury in May 2011.
Size is no bar to quality