rumor mill

rumor mill

The source from, or process by, which rumors are generated, spread, and perpetuated among a group of people. Primarily heard in US. Listen, Barry, you can't believe everything that comes out of the rumor mill. I can guarantee you that there will be no layoffs this year. One of the downsides of having a celebrity status is having every aspect of your life subjected to the Hollywood rumor mill.
See also: mill, rumor
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • rumour mill
  • lid on
  • lid on (something)
  • all y'all
  • listen up
  • never tell tales out of school
  • don't tell tales out of school
  • I’m listening
  • I'm listening
  • listen
References in periodicals archive
Lady Gaga and Cooper's alleged secret relationship has been in the rumor mill since they starred together in "A Star Is Born." After Lady Gaga broke things off with her fianceA Christian CarinoA earlier this year, speculations grew rife that Cooper was the reason behind their split.
His absence in the Aces' tune-up games were, what he said, got the rumor mill going that he's been let go.
Just hours after his passing, the rumor mill was spinning like there's no tomorrow, with talks about a will, an unauthorized picture taken on Mahmoud's deathbed, his last words, and a load of things the media shouldn't be discussing.
All the efforts in Lean Manufacturing, Theory of Constraints, Six Sigma, and ISO certification are wasted unless the dangerous rumor mill is stopped.
Reports of an Amazon-branded smartphone have been circulating in the rumor mill for years; with the expectation the phone would run a version of the Android OS that Amazon's Kindle Fire tablets uses.
Still, the rumor mill predicted even the date when this new device would be unveiled: October 17.
And so you, more or less, take it for granted, even though you (or your spouse) get butterflies every time the rumor mill starts churning or a new broadcaster starts a report with "More layoffs were announced by ___" and your company is named.
The rumor mill is always generating claims about some miracle lube that does a better job on your weapon or vehicle than anything the Army has approved.
The rumor mill has Bobby "Cellar Door" Puleo cut from the mighty Enjoi squad, and in an unrelated bit of gossip, Fabrizio "The Breeze" Santos chopped from Shorty's.
Hollywood has always coveted its rumor mill, going back to the buzz that "Birth of a Nation" was going over budget.
The Manhattan leasing rumor mill, which seems to be churning at a more rapid pace since last year's fourth quarter pickup in activity, has hinted that two other city agencies have also been shopping for giant blocks of Downtown space.
Years and years ago, on Day 2 of what was turning out to be a very boring trade show, we got into a discussion of how fast the rumor mill in this industry actually works.
The first and most common, though not terribly effective, is the rumor mill. I had been with my previous organization for about a year when I went to my site chief (satellite clinic lead physician) to ask about a rumor.