

What am I, chopped liver? what (a) nerve What a nerve! What a pity! what a pity
what are the odds what are we waiting for? What are you drinking? What are you driving at? What are you getting up to?
What are you having? what are you like What are you looking at? What are you on? What are you smoking?
what are you waiting for? what are you, was he, etc. getting at? what a shame what a time to be alive what a zoo
What became of (someone or something)? What brings you (around) here? What brings you around these parts? What brings you here? What can I do for you?
What can I do you for? What can I say? What can I tell you? what can't be cured must be endured What can you expect?
whatchamacallit what cheer What color is the sun in your world? What did I tell you? What did (someone) do with (something)?
what did you, etc. do with something? what did your last slave die of What difference does it make? what doesn't kill you makes you stronger What does (one) know?
what does (one) think? What does (someone) think (someone) is doing? What does that have to do with the price of corn? what does that have to do with the price of tea in China What does that prove?
what do I know what do you call (someone)/it What do you do for (something)? what do you do for something? What do you expect?
what do you know what do you know! What do you know? What do you know (for sure)? What do you know for sure?
what do you know, (well) what do you make of (someone or something)? What do you say? What do you take me for? What do you think?
What do you think about that? What do you think of that? What do you think of this weather? What do you think you are doing here? What do you want, a biscuit?
What do you want, a cookie? What do you want, a medal? What do you want me to say? what do you want to bet (that) what-d'you-call-him/-her/-it/-them
What else can I do for you? What else can (one) do? what else is new What else is new? whatever
whatever floats (one's) boat whatever floats your boat Whatever happened to (someone or something)? whatever happens, happens whatever it takes
whatever (one) says goes whatever the case whatever the case is whatever the case may be whatever turns (one) on
whatever turns you on whatever way you slice it what(ever) will be, will be whatever you do whatever you say
what for what for? What gives? What gives with (someone or something)? what goes around comes around
What goes around, comes around what goes over the devil's back comes under his belly what goes up must come down What good is (doing) (something)? What happened?
what happens at home stays at home what happens in (some place) stays in (that place) what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas what happens on the road stays on the road what happens on tour stays on tour
What has become of (someone or something)? what has been seen cannot be unseen What has (someone) done with (something)? what hath God wrought what have you
What have you been getting up to? What have you been up to? what if What if...? What if I do?
What if I don't? what in hell What in Sam Hill? what in tarnation what (in) the deuce
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