Must I go back to events which cast a shade upon the memory of your parent, or will you spare it, and
disclose to me the truth?'
Oliver Twist Or The Parish Boys Progress
The only person Charlie should
disclose to obtain benefit is Alice; since Alice is not disclosing Bob, Bob only discloses Charlie after he (Bob) is diagnosed and removed from transmission.
Conflicts of interest during contact investigations: a game-theoretic analysis
Instead it should be construed broadly and remedially to cover instances where an adviser failed to
disclose to the client all material facts, including an adviser's conflicts of interest with its client.
How to prevent investment adviser fraud
Of respondents, 17% did not
disclose to their institution medical errors that prolonged the course of treatment or caused discomfort, and 12% did not
disclose to the patient.
Survey examines disclosure of medical errors
While these notices generally are required to disclose categories of nonaffiliated third parties to whom there is disclosure of non-public information, the GLBA does not require that a practitioner specifically
disclose to a client that independent third-party providers are used in performing services to clients (i.e., if the third-party provider is connected to or involved in the provision or processing of the services offered by the practitioner, there is no requirement to
disclose to the client that information is shared with that third-party provider).
AICPA releases guidelines on outsourcing engagements
Under proposed revisions to Circular 230, tax advisers must
disclose to their clients any referral agreements or financial interests in the promotion of tax shelters.
Will a tax opinion still prevent penalties?
During discovery, the prosecution and defense
disclose to each other certain evidence they intend to use at trial.
The discovery process and personnel file information
Informed consent is both a legal and ethical principle requiring school counselors to adequately
disclose to clients potential risks, benefits, and alternatives to proposed counseling.
Privacy and confidentiality in school counseling. (Special issue: legal and ethical issues in school counseling)
If the agents asked for the business records of a campus employee, would you know not to
disclose to that individual that the request was being made?
USA Patriot Act: how to be response ready: concerned about protecting staff and student privacy while complying with new anti-terrorism laws? It's never too late to establish a chain of command, procedures, and protocols, say the experts. (Legislation)
If you
disclose to only a select few, someone might slip up and leak information unintentionally.
Disclosure or not? (A Place In The Work Force)(Cover Story)
A QI must
disclose to the Service, on a Form 1042-S, Foreign Person's U.S.
QIs - confidentiality, with limitations
If the general partners refuse to
disclose to the limited partners, then the CPA should disclose.
Positive ID
The use of asset values may encourage an individual who stutters to
disclose to his/her companion or companions that s/he stutters, during the formation stage of an intimate relationship, thereby controlling to some degree the potential "negative spread."
Perspectives on the effects of stuttering on the formation and maintenance of intimate relationships
The Service may
disclose to other federal agencies: 1.
IRS matching program information released
GLBA does not, however, require that a practitioner specifically
disclose to a client the fact that independent third-party providers are used in performing services for clients.
Legal and ethical considerations regarding outsourcing: members must comply with the Code of Professional Conduct and other pronouncements