The overall analysis revealed a main effect for both advantages and
disadvantages as well as a advantages x
disadvantages interaction effect.
A functional assessment of the impact of advantages and disadvantages on breastfeeding attitude
South Lanarkshire is the area with the highest inequality as the percentage of families with either four or more
disadvantages (seven per cent) or none (58 per cent) are both higher than the national average.
Extreme poverty of 24,000 families
Role model effects (or lack of them), exposure to crime and 'cultures' of
disadvantage, can all create substantial barriers to personal development.
Social exclusion and location: why place matters
"Taking steps to invest in neighborhoods directly, by creating safe public spaces and quality learning environments for children, is likely a cost-effective way to mitigate the harmful consequences of concentrated
disadvantage," Sampson says.
Mean streets: kids' verbal skills drop in bad neighborhoods
Disadvantages of the VFD systems have traditionally been the cost and size of the VFDs themselves.
Keeping New York water running may take a VFD
Disadvantages: customer suspicion, worsening of terms for customers, SPs may not match individual bookmaker's pattern of business, competition authorities may disapprove of collusion between major firms.
Three ways that a new SP system could be compiled
Both strategies have advantages and
disadvantages, and both are important for taxonomy development and implementation.
Creating order out of chaos with taxonomies: the increasing volume of electronic records and the frequency with which those records change require the development and implementation of taxonomies--a classification system of topics or subject categories--to maximize efficient retrieval of records for legal, business, and regulatory purposes
Consider the advantages and
disadvantages of various ways to automate your medical practice including adding on to your current system, outsourcing or buying your own new system.
Critical technology for a medical practice: how to stop money from falling through the cracks
This item discusses how these plans work, who they benefit, and their advantages,
disadvantages and potential abuses.
The retirement alternative: Sec. 412(i) plans
Finally, data from the 1990 census provided information on economic
disadvantage (a composite index of the proportion in poverty, on public assistance and unemployed, with higher scores indicating greater
Neighborhood-level effects on babies' birth weight differ by race in Chicago. (Digests)
Either way, people who are disadvantaged are less likely to take part in clinical trials , and this puts their community at a
disadvantage when health policy makers use evidence-based medicine to make decisions about the best standard of care.
disadvantage of single-species pulp production may sometimes be the limitation on using available fiber sources to lower the total raw material cost."
Single-species pulping: simply superior? Several clear advantages show why more mills are adopting this 'singular sensation.'
disadvantage is that the screener (1) can set a slip screen on the defender (X2) and cut directly to the basket.
Defensive drills vs penetration and the pick and roll. (Basketball)
The major
disadvantage of this design is the inability to set up uniform or differential cooling and to avoid hot or cold spots in other regions of the mold.
Water or air? Examining permanent mold cooling methods