have nerves of steel

have nerves of steel

To have the ability to stay calm at all times, even during pressure-filled situations. If you're going to be a neurosurgeon, you need to have nerves of steel—there's no time to panic when you're operating on someone's brain. My mother had nerves of steel, and she never backed down from danger.
See also: have, nerve, of, steel
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

have nerves of steel

not be easily upset or frightened.
See also: have, nerve, of, steel
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

have nerves of ˈsteel

not be easily frightened in a difficult or dangerous situation: She won’t be nervous about doing it. She’s got nerves of steel.
See also: have, nerve, of, steel
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • nerves of steel
  • a cool head
  • cool head
  • on (one's) nerves
  • on nerves
  • a bundle of nerves
  • bundle of nerves
  • a bag of nerves
  • a bag/bundle of nerves
  • be a bundle of nerves
References in periodicals archive
The successor undoubtedly will be chosen for wonkish smarts and political savvy, but whoever it is better have nerves of steel.
All have nerves of steel, quick wits, and excellent physical prowess.
"The pay is good and, if you have nerves of steel, the financial rewards of ownership are great.