Let us assume that the optimal unit commitment and optimization of load scheduling are made
without reserve requirements.
Optimization of operating reserves in power systems
"Into your hands I commend my soul; I offer it to you with all the love of my heart, for I love you, Lord, and so need to give myself, to surrender myself into your hands,
without reserve, and with boundless confidence, for you are my Father." (www.worldprayers.org)
Yes, only now is it possible to render thanks to God
without reserve, because the most dreadful thing--the death of the Redeemer and the death of all of us--was transformed through an act of love into the gift of life.
Eucharist, communion and solidarity part II
The author is second generation MRA/IC, his father Gordon Brown, 'having committed (him)self to God
without reserve'.
A different view of Australia
It has not identified how many joint specialty officers it needs, and it has not yet, within a total force concept, fully addressed how it will provide joint officer development to reserve officers who are serving in joint organizations--despite the fact that no significant operation can be conducted
without reserve involvement.
Military Personnel: A Strategic Approach Is Needed to Improve Joint Officer Development
"It is certainly possible to apply economics to traditional societies," he proclaims
without reserve.
Growth in a Traditional Society: The French Countryside, 1450-1815. (Reviews)
There is hardly anything on 'From Restricted to General Economy: A Hegelianism
Without Reserve', the important essay on Bataille that appeared in Writing and Difference, and not much on 'The Pit and the Pyramid: Introduction to Hegel's Semiology' (Margins of Philosophy).
Hegel After Derrida
As I previously mentioned, some industrial countries have managed to implement monetary policy successfully
without reserve requirements.
Statements to the Congress
It is composed to a good extent in the form of a dialogue, although much of this is more accurately a gripping monologue in which the protagonist reveals his impulses and observations
without reserve. Kycyku's language can be delightfully vulgar, but it is never devoid of elegance and sophistication, Indeed, what distinguishes "The Rivers of the Sahara" from other works of contemporary Albanian prose is the candor and sincerity of the narrative.
Lumenjte e Saharase
I can say,
without reserve, that this is one of the best accounts of a conflict which claimed the lives of over 66,000 Canadians, and had its impact on every community in our nation.
Distant thunder
As for civil-military relations, he said the military is completely committed "
without reserve or contradiction to the principle of subordination to civil authority." [Sources: Prensa Libre (Guatemala), 06/28/99; Notimex, 06/22/99, 06/28/99, 06/30/99, 07/12/99, 07/15/99]
''I can't be relieved with it
without reserve, but give high marks to the fact that every possible measure has been included (in the package) to enhance liquidity and the funds have been set aside against the credit crunch,'' Imai said at a press conference.
Business leaders urge early tax cuts+
Ultimately, Mill concluded, it should be left to public opinion, not to "law and authority," to determine "in whose mode of advocacy either want of candor, or malignity, bigotry, or intolerance of feeling manifest themselves." In short, it was "imperative that human beings should be free to form opinions, and to express their opinions
without reserve." The struggle for liberty on American campuses is, in its essence, the struggle between Herbert Marcuse and John Stuart Mill.
Codes of silence
The second section describes how the central banks in Canada, the United Kingdom, and New Zealand conduct monetary policy
without reserve requirements and examines the relationship between the payments system and monetary policy procedures.
Monetary policy without reserve requirements: case studies and options for the United States
This personal little volume is informed throughout by a sense of indebtedness, of revelations assented to
without reserve, whilst their depths continue to invite meditation and discovery.
Rilke on Love and Other Difficulties: Translation and Considerations of Rainer Maria Rilke