Expert witnesses don't just help
construe claim terms but also provide scientific opinions concerning many issues during patent litigation, for example, whether an invention is obvious.
I call the next chemistry professor to the stand
(51) The traditional rule, therefore, instructed judges to
construe claims in a vacuum.
To construe or not to construe: at the interface between claim construction and infringement in patent cases
The Court considers it unreasonable to
construe the term "Act of Congress" in the [MFA] as Congress' intent to permit state law to preempt implemented, non-self-executing treaty provisions, but not to preempt self-executing treaty provisions.
Further, the reported opinions cited above arguably would require the Service to
construe broadly the phrase, "[i]f the claim for credit or refund relates to an overpayment attributable to any taxes paid or accrued to any foreign country ..." in Sec.
Limits on refunds for NOL carrybacks
Inside the organization, members interpret and infer the reputation of their organization and react to the external image they
construe of their organization.
Organizational images and member identification
No matter how extensively trial witnesses might discuss the term 'cam,' it is not the jury's role, but the Court's exclusive obligation, to
construe a patent's terms.
Patent and trademark - Patent terms - Infringement
Courts routinely strive to fulfill the "reasonable expectations" of the contracting parties and may broadly
construe the insurance obligations unless the contract mandates a narrow scope of coverage.
Unravelling myths surrounding additional insured coverage
In fact, this directive and a directive to liberally
construe the safe haven provisions both derive directly from the Congressional Report for Section 530.
When the IRS comes calling
The first three, all previously published,
construe the emergence of the modern, professional, discipline-based university as a response to the breakdown of earlier city-based ways of sustaining intellectual activity.
Intellect and Public Life: Essays on the Social History of Academic Intellectuals in the United States
Given the early development of the genre of landscape painting in Holland, as well as the Netherlands' experience in engineering the national landscape, it is perhaps appropriate that many Dutch architects, including Ben van Berkel and Caroline Bos of UN Studio and Winy Maas of MVRDV, have found inspiration in the idea of landscape, using it to
construe digital models of new cities and regional plans out of data flows, and, on a smaller scale, new topological forms for the interior landscapes of houses.
Architecture's expanded field: finding inspiration in jellyfish and geopolitics, architects today are working within radically new frames of reference
While it has become usual to
construe literacy broadly and consider evidence of book ownership and patronage in discussions of women and literacy, Rebecca Krug's analysis of women's literate practices opens up new understanding of ways family relationships shaped women's responses to the challenges of an increasingly text-based society in fifteenth-century England.
Reading Families: Women's Literate Practice in Late Medieval England
On February 5, 1998, Bar filed a petition in the surrogate's court to reform and
construe the 1993 will as requiring all trust income to be paid to Jo and to split the trust holding the test of the decedent's estate into three parts--a credit shelter trust, a reverse QTIP trust and a residuary trust.
QTIP created under state law not federally binding
construe the statutory scheme of the OSP as not running afoul of Article I, Section 3 would require a strained construction of the Florida Constitution that is not countenanced under the law."
Florida court strikes down state funding of religious schools, cites Blaine amendment. (Voucher Victory!)
The Koran teaches that all goods are ultimately owned by God and that man is their "vice regent," but Islamic scholars rarely
construe this as detrimental to private ownership.
The mother of all rights; without secure property, the Islamic world can't escape tyranny and stagnation
Supreme Court voted 5-4 to
construe ERISA strictly, rejecting the argument that nonfiduciaries could be liable for compensatory damages for their knowing participation in a fiduciary breach.
Supreme Court reduces exposure for knowing participants in fiduciary breach