I saw and heard, for such a numerous host Fled not in silence through the frighted deep With ruin upon ruin, rout on rout,
Confusion worse confounded; and Heav'n Gates Pourd out by millions her victorious Bands Pursuing.
Paradise Lost
And really, after a day or two of
confusion worse confounded, it was delightful by degrees to invoke order from the chaos ourselves had made.
Jane Eyre
The crisis after crisis resulted in
confusion worse confounded. Frustration demands catharsis; aggression, unrest and heebie-jeebies shown by the masses being the best definition of this abbreviation.
Depression and frustration
Mr Malik, kindly do not make
confusion worse confounded by lumping them together.
EDITORIAL: Quelling terrorism
'If, as The Wall Street Journal argued, Wall Street was still the spiritual heart of the financial district, it was no longer its physical centre, it suggested the possibility of new programmes and new building types for the area.' This is
confusion worse confounded: it and its with different antecedents, and then a third it with no antecedent at all.
He is less successful in his attempts to set the record straight on Vietnamese, Indonesian and European history, and, indeed, some of his notes only succeed in making
confusion worse confounded. A notable example of this is the passage in chapter nine dealing with the Portuguese in Macau and Timor.
Alexander Hamilton: A Scottish Sea Captain in Southeast Asia 1689-1723