
Related to anything: bored
  • (as) clear as anything
  • (as) easy as anything
  • (as) quick as anything
  • (Is there) anything else?
  • (is) anything going on?
  • (will there be) anything else?
  • a man who stands for nothing will fall for anything
  • anything but
  • anything can happen
  • anything can/might happen
  • Anything else can I do for you?
  • anything else?
  • anything goes
  • anything going on?
  • anything in it
  • anything in it for (one)
  • anything is possible
  • anything like
  • anything like that
  • anything new down your way?
  • anything of the kind
  • anything you say
  • anything/nothing/something in it
  • anything/nothing/something in it for somebody
  • anything/nothing/something like that
  • Are you doing anything (on a particular day)?
  • as much as anything (else)
  • can't do anything with
  • can't do anything with (someone or something)
  • can't make anything out (of something)
  • do anything for a quiet life
  • do nothing/not do anything by halves
  • do something/anything about
  • don't do anything I wouldn't do
  • easy, clear, quick, etc. as anything
  • for anything (in the world)
  • get over on (one)
  • give anything (for something)
  • have a lot on
  • have a lot, anything, etc. on
  • have anything on
  • have nothing on
  • have nothing to do with
  • have something/anything to say for (oneself)
  • have to do with
  • I wouldn't know ((anything) about that)
  • if anything
  • if anything can go wrong, it will
  • if anything happens
  • if anything should happen
  • if there's anything you need, don't hesitate to ask
  • if you believe that, you'll believe anything
  • if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all
  • if you don't make mistakes, you don't make anything
  • like anything
  • no something/nothing/not anything to speak of
  • not able to make anything out
  • not able to make anything out (of something)
  • not anything going on upstairs
  • not anything like
  • not anything to boast about
  • not anything to choose from
  • not anything to speak of
  • not anything to write home about
  • not anything upstairs
  • not do anything by halves
  • not do anything for (someone)
  • not do anything/a lot/much for somebody
  • not for anything
  • not for anything (in the world)
  • not have a lot on
  • not have anything on
  • not have anything on (someone or something)
  • not have anything to do with (someone or something)
  • not much of anything
  • not much to speak of
  • not that there's anything wrong with that
  • nothing in it
  • nothing in it for (one)
  • nothing like that
  • nothing to speak of
  • or anything
  • put (something) over on (one)
  • something in it
  • something in it for (one)
  • something like
  • start something/anything
  • take (someone or something) for granted
  • take for granted
  • take in
  • too much of anything is good for nothing
References in classic literature
"It happened because he didn't know anything about it.
"You are, dear lady--if there is anything to forgive."
If he'd killed me, if he'd killed him, I could have borne anything, I could have forgiven anything; but, no, he....
I shall like to hear anything you will say to me about Tertius."
O, George, don't do anything wicked; if you only trust in God, and try to do right, he'll deliver you."
If a part is insignificant, the greater our credit in making anything of it.
He could not see anything of the performance on account of the mist of suspicion, anger, dismay, and wretchedness which seemed to be before his eyes; but he forced himself to conceal the fact that anything was the matter; he went on talking and laughing.
"I did not know that anything was in the box," he said calmly.
I had never seen him before, and had never heard anything about him at the time, though I have heard a good deal since.
I don't know anything about that, I don't know who is and who is not.
'And you have never heard Mrs General say anything?'
She did not appear conscious that she had done anything unusual in commanding his presence.
It warn't anything but a Sunday-school picnic, and only a primer-class at that.
Huck, I never see anything look any more naturaler than what It does."
Nearly all day he travelled without anything remarkable happening to him, at which he was in despair, for he was anxious to encounter some one at once upon whom to try the might of his strong arm.