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Carlile has a unique perspective on the
Annex as part of the IUPUC ambassador program, which assists students during orientation.
Ind. housing complex geared to students proves tough sell: despite amenities, high rents spell low occupancy rates
Ali Al-Qahoom, spokesperson for the Houthis, confirmed to the Yemen Times that all the terms in the
annex will be implemented because they are in the National Dialogue Conference (NDC) outcomes.
Houthis sign security annex
A major portion on the
annex on normalisation involves the decommissioning of weapons of members of the MILF.
Philippines steps closer to Moro peace
Annex V has not been amended, since no member state has requested its amendment.
This mechanism has the potential to accelerate investment in developing countries sustainably, by encouraging
Annex I countries to invest funds in or provide technology transfers for projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Non-Annex I countries.
Japan: land of the rising target?
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Canadian publications
Sponsored by the International Energy Agency (IEA),
Annex XV is a collaborative effort between four countries: the United States, Sweden, Canada, and Finland.
'Annex XV' targets barriers to black liquor gasification
The guidelines and the
annex provide the framework for a case-by-case consideration of transfers of items contained in the
annex, while at the same time not impeding national space programs or international cooperation in space programs.
Foreign military sales and the Missile Technology Control Regime: a new focus for the future. (Education and Training)
Icons have been defined in SPI-2
annex for all the different SCSI interfaces.
SCSI "ease of use profiles" help system designers specify mechanical and electrical interfaces
The proposal, called
Annex 2001, is an amendment to the Great Lakes Charter of 1985.
Great Lakes [H.sub.2]O "Annexed" by WTO
The convention lists participating countries in two designations: the
Annex I and
Annex II Parties.
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
An archaeological museum in a cathedral
annex on the west coast of italy pays tribute to the rich and ancient history of the area.
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They believe they have a right to
annex any outlying area with an appealing tax base, then take their time delivering the services those taxes are supposed to pay for.
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An agreement will be concluded on the exact mode and conditions of the elections in accordance with the protocol attached as
Annex I, with the goal of holding the elections not later than nine months after the entry into force of this Declaration of Principles.
Between the lines: a textual analysis of the Gaza-Jericho agreement