brain drain

brain drain

The loss of educated and skilled workers to other locations, often ones that provide better financial compensation or job opportunities. The state has some of the nation's best universities, but it suffers from brain drain as graduates often flee to find more lucrative job opportunities elsewhere.
See also: brain, drain


The loss of valuable thinkers and workers to a different organization or geographic area, typically due to the promise of something better, such as pay or opportunities. The stagnation in pay at the university has led to a serious brain-drain.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

brain drain

The departure of educated or talented persons for better pay or jobs elsewhere, as in The repression of free speech in Germany triggered a brain drain to Britain and America. The term originated about 1960, when many British scientists and intellectuals emigrated to the United States for a better working climate.
See also: brain, drain
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

the ˈbrain drain

the loss of qualified scientists, doctors, engineers, etc. to another country, especially one where they are paid more for their work
See also: brain, drain
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • brain-drain
  • the brain drain
  • make good as
  • make good as (something)
  • better than
  • Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.
  • Those who can, do; those who can't, teach
  • have green fingers
  • green fingers
  • muddle through
References in periodicals archive
The major consequences of Brain Drain are sharp decrease in the availability of health professionals and quality of health services in developing countries.
As a result of Africa's emigration brain drain, the continent does not produce as many academic/scholarly research papers as other parts of the world.
This is because the Push-Pull theory remains a core theoretical approach widely used in a discourse on the brain drain and international labour migration in general.
When dealing with brain drain issues, like the Republic of Serbia, Hungary, Croatia have been, it is very important to identify what the key propulsive factors that indicate certain ways of demographic changes are.
[H.sub.2]: There is significant relationship between Social Mobility and Brain Drain
The British Royal Society initiated the syntagm of"brain drain", by referring to the migration of scientists and technology experts in the 1950's and 1960's, from the Great Britain to the United States of America and Canada (Cervantes and Guellec, 2002 apud.
Therefore, in any development strategy, check on brain drain should be the key factor, as the country is getting short of professionals and development experts.
Research studies were conducted to minimize the harmful effects of brain drain by suggesting certain measures or strategies such as taxation imposed by host Country on skilled emigrants and imposing restrictions to prevent their movement3.
Although the term "brain drain" was originally defined as the emigration of skilled individuals from one particular geographical area to another, the definition has been expanded to include the movement of such labour to more favourable economic and professional environments.
12 in collaboration with ArabNet to tackle the country's brain drain problem by offering a platform for local entrepreneurs and university students in the tech and digital sectors.
Since the end of the World War II, Europe has been repeatedly afflicted by waves of brain drain, with varying degrees of intensity across time and countries.
The aim of the present study is to investigate the leading factors behind the brain drain in Balochistan.
More Iranians than any other nationality group getting science and engineering (S&E) doctorates in the United States plan to stay in the US and not go home, according to a new survey of such graduates, detailing the extent of the brain drain to the United States.
SIR - The article in your November 17 issue entitled "Student brain drain to universities in England" should not surprise anyone.