cash money

cash money

Money in bills and coins, as opposed to credit. I just had to make a big purchase in cash money, so can we go out to dinner next week instead?
See also: cash, money
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

cash money

Rur. money in bills and coins. You could make cash money selling your quilts, you really could. Joe wants cash money for his old TV set. He won't let me have it on credit.
See also: cash, money
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • be pushed for money
  • be pressed for money
  • be pressed/pushed for money, space, time, etc.
  • color of someone's money, see the
  • be made of money
  • funny money
  • come into (some) money
  • come into money
  • be (right) on the money
  • for a while
References in classic literature
I'll give you free beer any time and fifty cents cash money a night."
Why, I go around now, seein' this little nest just as it grows an' softens, day by day, from the day we paid the cash money down an' nailed the keys.
And you watch him hold out for the cash money when you get down to terms."
Following Peaceful Balochistan policy provincial minister Zia Langove disturbed cash money among the Ferraris and invited more fighters to join mainstream politics for the sack of better future of their children, "Enemies lured our young generation following a fake slogan of independent Balochistan and funded them to kill innocent people of Balochistan but fortunately majority of disgruntled Baloch fighters skipping." Zia Langove said added how come someone pick up arms against the state which is tantamount of our mother.
QUETTA -- A cash money distribution ceremony amongst the ex-fugitives was held at Frontier Corps Cantt, Kohlu.
The police team arrested three accused namely Suleman, Ismail and Fayyaz and recovered Rs2,210,000 cash money, mobile phones and other items from their possession.A case has been registered against the gamblers while further investigation is underway, he added.
Toni tells me she's hoping Drake, 31 - who is signed to her fiance Birdman's label Cash Money - will take the mic at the bash later this year.
They announced winter relief program for down trodden area of Tharparkar, it commenced from 9,10,11 Feb 2018, It is another feature in the cap of Udero Lal welfare Organization that it collected material, like winter dresses, blankets, shoes and cash money, from many houses and distributed to the most needy ones in various villages and schools of Tharparkar.
The action is taken on a complaint about taking cash money by ACLC personnel from passengers during checking of the vehicles entering Karachi from Thatta or leaving Karachi for interior Sindh, at Ghaggar Phatak.
After being called out by ( Rick Ross and ( J Prince for the way he treated Lil Wayne and DJ Khaled, the head of Cash Money Records is now being sued. 
(No use queuing in the street any more, as happened with the Northern Rock.) Perhaps the new PS5 note is a nail in the coffin of cash money. What a disgusting, horrible, flimsy thing it is.
IT has been said that cash money is an endangered species and before too long we will only be able to exchange using plastic, which might suit some dodgy banks whey have a run (no use queuing in the street any more as happened with the Northern Rock).
The armed men grabbed the cash money and drove away in an unregistered motorcycle.
"MobiPoste" offers many mobile services to citizens including GSM recharge, credit, transfer of money, cash money orders nationwide, cash Western Union transfers, bill payment, micro-credits payment with micro-finance institutions and micro-insurance premiums payment, in the case of micro-health insurance for students.
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