you must be fun at parties
you must be fun at parties
Used sarcastically to indicate that someone is coming across as very tedious, humorless, pedantic, or otherwise insufferable. A: "I don't understand what you mean. Your punchline makes no sense." B: "Geez, you must be fun at parties. Lighten up, dude, it was just a joke." A: "I have a degree in Latin. Give me a word, and I'll give you its derivational roots." B: "Wow. You must be fun at parties."
See also: fun, must, party
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
- vote of confidence
- (Is) that everything?
- a bundle of fun
- barrel of laughs
- a barrel of laughs
- a barrel/bundle of laughs
- come again
- come again?
- you must be new here
- nugget