
Related to soul: soul mate, soul music, spirit
  • (God) rest his/her/their soul
  • (I) won't tell a soul
  • (open) confession is good for the soul
  • a kindred soul
  • a living soul
  • a lost soul
  • bare (one's) soul
  • bare one's soul
  • bare soul
  • bare your soul
  • be the life and soul of the party
  • be the soul of (something)
  • be the soul of something
  • body and soul
  • brevity is the soul of wit
  • can't call (one's) soul (one's) own
  • can't call one's soul one's own
  • can't call soul own
  • confession is good for the soul
  • diseases of the soul are more dangerous than those of the body
  • don't tell a soul
  • enough to keep body and soul together
  • every living soul
  • God rest his/her soul
  • God rest soul
  • good for the soul
  • gripe one’s soul
  • gripe soul
  • heart and soul
  • heavy soul
  • keep body and soul together
  • keep body and soul together, to
  • kindred spirit
  • life and soul of the party
  • like a lost soul
  • living soul
  • lost soul
  • not a living soul
  • not a living soul in sight
  • not tell a soul
  • pour (one's) soul out (to someone)
  • pour out (one's) soul (to someone)
  • pour out soul
  • punctuality is the soul of business
  • put (one's) heart (and soul) into (something)
  • put (one's) heart and soul into (something)
  • search (one's) heart
  • search (one's) soul
  • search your heart/soul/conscience
  • sell (one's) soul (to the devil)
  • sell oneself
  • sell your soul
  • soul brother
  • soul kiss
  • soul of, the
  • soul sister
  • the eyes are the windows of the soul
  • the iron entered into someone's soul
  • the iron enters (into) (someone's) soul
  • the life and soul of the party
  • the soul of (something)
  • the soul of discretion
  • thirsty soul
  • won't breathe a word
  • work (one's) soul case out
  • work the soul case out of
References in classic literature
And ought not the rational principle, which is wise, and has the care of the whole soul, to rule, and the passionate or spirited principle to be the subject and ally?
And these two, thus nurtured and educated, and having learned truly to know their own functions, will rule over the concupiscent, which in each of us is the largest part of the soul and by nature most insatiable of gain; over this they will keep guard, lest, waxing great and strong with the fulness of bodily pleasures, as they are termed, the concupiscent soul, no longer confined to her own sphere, should attempt to enslave and rule those who are not her natural-born subjects, and overturn the whole life of man?
If however, from too much conversing with material objects, the soul was gross, and misplaced its satisfaction in the body, it reaped nothing but sorrow; body being unable to fulfil the promise which beauty holds out; but if, accepting the hint of these visions and suggestions which beauty makes to his mind, the soul passes through the body and falls to admire strokes of character, and the lovers contemplate one another in their discourses and their actions, then they pass to the true palace of beauty, more and more inflame their love of it, and by this love extinguishing the base affection, as the sun puts out the fire by shining on the hearth, they become pure and hallowed.
In the procession of the soul from within outward, it enlarges its circles ever, like the pebble thrown into the pond, or the light proceeding from an orb.
Go bear these tidings to great Lucifer: Seeing Faustus hath incurr'd eternal death By desperate thoughts against Jove's deity, Say, he surrenders up to him his soul, So he will spare him four and twenty years, Letting him live in all voluptuousness; Having thee ever to attend on me, To give me whatsoever I shall ask, To tell me whatsoever I demand, To slay mine enemies, and to aid my friends, And always be obedient to my will.
I know the villain's out of service, and so hungry, that I know he would give his soul to the devil for a shoulder of mutton, though it were blood-raw.
"You are courageous and honorable and chivalrous--those are enough to warrant the belief that you have a soul, were it not apparent from your countenance that you are of the higher type of mankind," she said.
It was a great deal to ask of a fledgling morality that was yet scarcely cognizant of its untried wings; but even as the man wavered between right and wrong there crept into his mind the one great and burning question of his life--had he a soul? And he knew that upon his decision of the fate of Virginia Maxon rested to some extent the true answer to that question, for, unconsciously, he had worked out his own crude soul hypothesis which imparted to this invisible entity the power to direct his actions only for good.
When a heavy weight presses the soul to the lowest level at which endurance is possible, there is an instant and desperate effort of every physical and moral nerve to throw off the weight; and hence the heaviest anguish often precedes a return tide of joy and courage.
From his deepest soul, he that hour loosed and parted from every hope in life that now is, and offered his own will an unquestioning sacrifice to the Infinite.
Was it simply that Elizabeth was one of that rare few who can touch pitch and not be defiled?--or was it, I have sometimes wondered, an unconscious and after all a sound casuistry that had saved Elizabeth's soul, an instinctive philosophy that taught her, so to say, to lay a Sigurd's sword between her soul and body, and to argue that nothing can defile the body without the consent of the soul.
By that Heaven that bends above us -- by that God we both adore -- Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, within the distant Aidenn, It shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels name Lenore -- Clasp a rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore." Quoth the raven, "Nevermore."
Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken!
When the full meaning of this thought is realized, the soul becomes conscious of something vast and mysterious within itself, by which it is drawn towards the Infinite; the aspect of all things alters strangely.
From that moment, on my faith, and soul, and honour, I know nothing more!