"Flexo Concepts takes pride in being proactive when it comes to safety," explains
Yock. "Our company stays in compliance with OSHA guidelines and has outsourced the management of some of our safety initiatives to vendors.
Plant Safety: Safety in the workplace is vital to sustaining a successful label printing operation
[10.] Niccum N, Speaks C, Rubens AB, Knopman DS,
Yock D, Larson D.
Auditory processing and aphasia: a systematic review/Processamento auditivo e afasia: uma revisao sistematica
Lead author Dr Phil
Yock from the University of Auckland's Department of Physics explains that the work will require a combination of data from microlensing and the NASA Kepler space telescope.
Astronomers Anticipate 100bln Earth-Like Planets
(10.) See Tan
Yock Lin, Choice of Court Agreement: From a Viewpoint
The Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements: creating room for choice in international cases
Trikuspit yetersizligi jetinin Doppler ekokardiyografik inceleme ile kaydedilmesi ilk defa 1984 yilinda
Yock ve Popp tarafindan klinik olarak sag kalp yetersizligi bulunan 62 hastalik bir seride gosterilmistir (17).
Echocardiography and other imaging modalities in pulmonary arterial hypertension/Pulmoner arteriyel hipertansiyonda ekokardiyografi ve diger goruntuleme yontemleri
The demonstration of a cerebral calcific embolus by CT scan was first documented by
Yock in 1981.
Calcific cardioembolic infarction following aortic-valve replacement
Yock founded Cardiovascular Imaging Systems, eventually developing a catheter with a miniaturized ultrasound probe attached to the end.
Marketing drugs: debating the real cost: concern about close ties between doctors and pharmaceutical firms are prompting new financial disclosure laws and education efforts
Yock (formerly the Director of the Practical Nursing Program at Front Range Community College), and Judith A.
Yock, Phillip Andrew Young, Rachel Yukich, Daniele Zimmerman.
Phi Alpha Theta initiates
In this national statement, Lee
Yock Suan, the then Minister of Environment declares bluntly that "there is little potential for us to develop alternative sources of energy that are non-fossil fuels based" and that "our carbon dioxide emissions will inevitably grow as our economy develops".
Singapore's climate change policy: the limits of learning
The Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) as reviewed by the patent examiner, listed over 130 patents, including important Rapid Exchange (RX) catheter patents such as
Yock, Bonzel, Horzewski, Lau, Sirhan, Crittenden, Anderson, etc.
CardioVascular announces patent notice of allowance for its catheter platform with stent deployment features technology
"Our big concern is whether the development on the hill is going to destroy us," said hydrangea farmer Richard
Yock. "We feel it very likely could."
Coastal boom on the tide
The statement put out by Foreign Minister Yoriko Kawaguchi and Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Shoichi Nakagawa on the Japanese side and Second Foreign Minister Lee
Yock Suan and Trade and Industry Minister George Yeo from the Singapore side.
LEAD: Japan, Singapore confirm economic pact benefits both