
play three-dimensional chess

1. Literally, to play a variation on traditional chess that involves multiple boards positioned at different heights (also known as "3D chess"). No, I'm not playing three-dimensional chess with you—I can barely play regular chess!
2. By extension, to engage in a very complicated or complex game, system, or strategy involving a deep understanding of the situation that one's opponents or adversaries lack. Our CEO is always playing three-dimensional chess to stay ahead of our competition. Coaching against him is like trying to play three-dimensional chess.
See also: chess, play

three-dimensional chess

1. Literally, a variation on traditional chess that involves multiple boards positioned at different heights. Also known as "3D chess." No, I'm not playing three-dimensional chess with you—I can barely play regular chess!
2. By extension, a very complicated or complex game, system, or strategy involving a deep understanding of the situation that one's opponents or adversaries lack. Everyone thinks he messed up by leaking that information, but he's just playing three-dimensional chess. He's eight moves ahead of all of us. Coaching against him is like trying to play three-dimensional chess.
See also: chess
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • play three-dimensional chess
  • 3D
  • 3D chess
  • chess
  • play 3D chess
  • three-dimensional chess
  • have (something) in perspective
  • out of perspective
  • in perspective
  • be in perspective
References in periodicals archive
Mr Goh added: "Dimensional's no trailer commission model was an important consideration for GYC as it forced us to review our cost structure and fee model with our clients.
There was a statistically significant dimensional change between Groups (control, Experimental Group-A and Experimental Group-B) as determined by one-way ANOVA in distance C-D (F (2, 87) = 35.842, p = .000), Height of raised column (F (2, 87) = 36.727, p = .000) and diameter of raised column (F (2, 87) = 30.857, p = .000).
Turning experiments were performed by using HAAS CNC lathe machine in order to acquire data that can be used to assess dimensional deviation based on machining parameters and machine tool rigidity as shown in Fig 1.
Through dimensional pricing, UPS said shippers will seek to optimize their packaging practices, which will reduce excess packaging materials and overall package sizes, leading to related reductions in fuel use, vehicle emissions, and transportation costs.
Obviously, the most critical issue of the clustering of high dimensional spatial data analysis is how to choose the high-dimensional into low-dimensional approach.
If you are thinking of testing a dimensional mailing campaign, here are a few factors to consider in planning your program.
A copolyester TP elastomer, for instance, is being used in lower-power, higher-speed gears because it allows them to tolerate inaccuracies and reduce noise while providing sufficient dimensional stability and stiffness.
At Dimensional Imaging, patients are made extremely comfortable in a relaxed environment.
But by developing appropriate permanent mold casting technology for alloy 535.0, metalcasters can harness the benefits of better surface finish, precise and consistent dimensional tolerances and improved mechanical properties that are inherent to permanent mold casting.
"We've made our name as a niche company," said Bob Arzilli, vice president of Three Dimensional Chemical.
* presents a retrospective study of entrapment reports to the FDA to verify proposed dimensional limits;
Ilexus Pty Limited (Heidelberg, Australia) has patented crystals, crystal structure Fc.gamma.RIIa protein, three dimensional coordinates of Fc.gamma.RIIa protein, and structures and models derived from the Fc.gamma.RIIa structure.
Volvo designed the line with two goals in mind: (1) achieving high dimensional stability and better weld accuracy, and (2) maximizing the flexibility to build a variety of models.
Dimensional modeling has become an approach for data warehouse design.
Customized, dimensional marketing devices--slide-charts, wheel-charts and pop-ups--are uniquely suited to meet the agrimarketing challenge.