The NAStar patented
TwoFer Shelf Tags are back-to-back shelf tags without a liner that use an alternating adhesive and release coated pattern.
Resource Label Group acquires Ingenious Packaging
Actually, it's more than a
twofer: The headline on Sullivan's blast was "Defunding Democrats." Unions in Texas support some Republicans but are lopsided in favor of the Democrats.
Analysis: Conservatives See Payroll Deduction Bill as Key on Two Fronts
The bit scored a
twofer: It leveled a comedic take-that at North Korea, while making some viewers cringe at its borderline racism.
Kinder, gentler Golden Globes kept the lid on partying
Bundled meal offers and
twofer promotions are also effective for new hot food programs.
How to Do Chicken Right
In the end, it's the GT/Boss
twofer that shines as the quintessential Motown emblems of power, performance, and practicalityaACAoeach a white-hot line drive of aACAeblue-collar satisfaction for red-blooded Yanks.
2013 10 Best Cars
The best solution is to make the trip a "
twofer," or in this case, a "threefer."
Looking ahead to the CRE Frisco meeting
And doing so would have been a
twofer: These are all projects that employ workers now and contribute to higher economic growth in the future.
Death by a thousand cuts
This is a
twofer. A curved shower curtain rod is an affordable luxury that makes you feel a lot less claustrophobic taking a shower.
Install the ultimate shower curtain rod
Los Angeles, CA, May 07, 2013 --( Online media and interactive web TV network company, Mingle Media TV (MMTVN) announced today that CEO and Executive Producer, Stephanie Piche and Academy Award winning screenwriter, Pamela Wallace, are producing a new (
twofer) digital web series and feature film entitled “The Big O,” a sexually focused, psychological drama aimed at the adult female market with an emphasis on the coveted 18-34 year-old demographic.
Oscar Winning Screenwriter, Pamela Wallace and Mingle Media TV CEO, Stephanie Piche, Team Up and Use Crowdfunding to Produce "The Big O" a Twofer Web Series / Feature
Cinco de Mayo: The first Sunday of May this year brings a "
twofer"--Greek Orthodox Easter and Cinco de Mayo!
Poor Will's Countryside Almanack for late spring early summer of 2013
With each expansion of services--from the Great Society programs of the 1960s and 1970s to efforts to expand home- and community-based services for seniors and people with disabilities at the turn of the twenty-first century--policy makers have framed home care as a
twofer. They could move women off welfare by putting them to work caring for the "deserving poor"--frail elders and people with disabilities--and they could reduce the dependence of both groups on the state.
The value of care
Twofer - when a woman holds her clutch with both hands across her front - indicates shyness, or defensiveness.
How the way you hold your bag can tell a lot about you
A Middle East
Twofer Earlier Friedmometers: American Jews Come Around to Israel's Failings
Friedmometer: Map on the Damn Table
Meeting a greater number of the American Heart Association's seven ideal cardiovascular health components is a
twofer: It is associated not only with a reduced incidence of cardiovascular disease, but with a lower incidence of several major types of cancer as well.
Heart healthy lifestyles also cut cancer risks
Meeting a greater number of the American Heart Association's seven ideal cardiovascular health components is a
twofer: Not only is it associated with a reduced incidence of cardiovascular disease, it's also linked with a lower incidence of several major types of cancer.
Lifestyle changes for heart health also cut cancer risks