
whip (one)

informal To defeat or outdo one soundly or thoroughly. They whipped their opponents in the semifinal game with a crushing 34–3 victory. We put up a good fight in court, but it's time to admit that we've been whipped.
See also: whip
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


n. an expensive car. (Streets. Possibly from the power or control this car gives its owner.) Great new whip, right? It’s a Slade, right?
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
  • (as) sharp as a whip
  • (as) smart as a whip
  • a fair crack of the whip
  • beat off
  • beat the dummy
  • buggy whip
  • crack the whip
  • get the whip hand
  • get, have, hold, etc. the whip hand
  • give (one) a fair crack of the whip
  • have other cats to whip
  • have the whip hand
  • hold the whip hand
  • horse and buggy
  • knock something/someone into shape
  • lick into shape
  • lick something into shape
  • like a whipped dog
  • pencil whip
  • pussy whip
  • pussy whipped
  • pussy-whipped
  • smart as a whip
  • the whip hand
  • upper hand
  • whip
  • whip (one)
  • whip (one) off to (some place)
  • whip (one's) wire
  • whip (someone or something) into shape
  • whip (someone or something) on
  • whip a U-ie
  • whip around
  • whip away
  • whip back
  • whip by
  • whip down
  • whip in
  • whip into
  • whip into (something)
  • whip into a state
  • whip into doing
  • whip into shape
  • whip off
  • whip off to
  • whip on
  • whip one’s wire
  • whip out
  • whip over
  • whip something into shape
  • whip something off
  • whip the cat
  • whip the devil around the stump
  • whip the dummy
  • whip through
  • whip up
  • whipped
  • whip-round
  • whips and jingles
  • whips of
References in classic literature
He saw the whips in their red caps galloping along the edge of the ravine, he even saw the hounds, and was expecting a fox to show itself at any moment on the ryefield opposite.
Nicholas sent the man to call Natasha and Petya to him, and rode at a footpace to the place where the whips were getting the hounds together.
"Law, Miss Feely whip!--wouldn't kill a skeeter, her whippins.
Number Thirteen had seen von Horn's extra bull whip hanging upon a peg in the living room.
They envied the ease and comparative beauty of the old professor and his assistant, and hated the latter for the cruelty of the bull whip and the constant menace of the ever ready revolver; and so as they were to them the representatives of the great human world of which they could never be a part, their envy and jealousy and hatred of these men embraced the entire race which they represented.
Raising the bull whip above his head the young giant leaped among the advancing brutes and lay about him with mighty strokes that put to shame the comparatively feeble blows with which von Horn had been wont to deal out punishment to the poor, damned creatures of the court of mystery.
Two lads in the crowd snatched up whips and ran to the mare to beat her about the ribs.
But the six whips were attacking her in all directions, and the shaft was raised again and fell upon her a third time, then a fourth, with heavy measured blows.
He pulled when he could; when he could no longer pull, he fell down and remained down till blows from whip or club drove him to his feet again.
And when the club or whip fell upon them, the spark fluttered feebly up, and they tottered to their feet and staggered on.
"All the same, we'll go on to Dawson." He uncoiled his whip. "Get up there, Buck!
Mulcachy tapped the chair sharply with the butt of the whip to draw the animal's attention to it, then flicked the whip-lash sharply on his nose.
His preference was to remain where he was, but from behind, through the bars of the cage, came shouts and yells, the lash of whips, and the painful thrusts of the long iron forks.
He sang an ancient song of Killisnook and brandished his whip like a baton.
He shouted choking and gurgling curses at the starry heavens; he cut viciously with his whip at passing vehicles; he scattered fierce and ever-changing oaths and imprecations along the streets, so that a late truck driver, crawling homeward, heard and was abashed.